ufo alien disclosure

Very interesting vid! Great to hear those things said in a place of High Office but I can't help thinking he included a few too many 'difficult concepts' into one speech to remain credible. That's not to say I think him nuts, just that all those conspiracy theories won't fit into my head immediately.

One good thing: if the four species have been visiting us for thousands of years they're not likely to be farming us for a food source (unless they like stringy meat, anyway).
I don't think it's a place of 'high office'. the CHD (Citizens' Hearing on Disclosure) is, I think, just something run by a bunch of people who are funded by donations and trying to sound more official than they are. The cynical side of me says they are probably making a lot of money out of it.

That said, it does look like they had a good number of ex-high-ranking gubmint people at that conference.

I would love to believe that there could be life out there somewhere. Unfortunately I tend to agree with Stephen Hawking in that it is quite unlikely that there is any with enough technology to actually visit us. His reasoning was long and sometimes arduous, but logical and credible.

The guy's theory on the plot by shady people to rule the world is one I have believed in for many years though.
isaiah53 said:
paul hellyer is the former canadian minister of defence, hes a lot more credible than your average ufologist.

I have a confession to make. I am actually a qualified Ufologist, to A level standard, (not an A Level just the standard and something like 1/4 of an A Level). Yes I did a night school course with my mate. My mate is heavily in to UFO stuff and he saw a course and got me to go along. He was going through a rough time with a terminally ill girlfriend.

It was no way nerdy, we didn't sit there looking at pictures of Flying saucers. It was studying various cases, looking for explanations and ancient alien theories. We even faked photos and a video to show how easy it is for people to do that. Oh even a whole night sky watching on Silbury Hill.

All very interesting really. My view for what it's worth is there is such a thing as a UFO, but to me a UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object, something that is seen that there is no explanation for. Which doesn't mean it's a little green man. As for Alien life I believe that in all the vastness of space there must be some other life form if the Big Bang theory is correct. If its intelligent that's another matter, and if life as we know it too.

i wasnt having a dig at ufologists, i was just pointing out that paul hellyer isnt the stereotypical ufologist and has a very credible background.
Please don't tell me you are being taken in by all this bollocks. This chap opened an official UFO landing pad back in the 60's has anything landed on it has it F***.

This speech went down hill the moment he said there are ET's working with the US airforce. Well they have not done much a good indicator would be a new kind of propulsion system on a plane even the latest offerings still move forward by setting fire to some stuff we have dug out of the ground.

The rest of it is the usual conspiracy theory tosh that is all over the net.

If aliens had the tech to come here why would they want to use us as a food source? or secretly take over the planet I'm pretty sure they would be able to just take what they need and move on.

Is there life out there yes the odds are in favor.

Are there Aliens visiting us you've got to be joking

Are there UFO's definitely UK air traffic control tracks about 1 a month ( it could be the Russian's, it could be drug traffickers, it could be a sneaky beaky government drone project nudge nudge wink wink mums the word.)

No I know your weren't, most people do have a stereotypical idea of what a Ufologist is. Believe me there were indeed a couple of strange people none course, luckily the tutor was "normal". The worse one was the druggie who told us about her out of body experience and being stomach pumped several times.
I actually saw a UFO once... no I'm not being facetious for once, nor was I under the influence. It was something very simple, and was over in probably less than five seconds.

I've done a little flying, so I know what 'planes look like and how they move, and I've been an amateur astronomer for many years, so I know what space stuff looks like and does, etc. Whatever I saw didn't fit into either category.

It was one night around 1am and I happened to be looking at the sky through the big attic skylight.

Quite suddenly, a very bright light came into view over the distant hilltops, moving across my field of vision from the far right. It was difficult to tell the distance but it was a long way and quite high in the sky, like a high-flying plane that's almost just a dot.

For brightness, it was similar to the big floodlight the police helicopters have if it was pointing straight at you from that distance. Much bigger and brighter than anything astronomical, but still just a big, bright dot in the sky.

I thought it was something like that at first, but realised it was moving far too quickly, unless they had fitted rocket booster engines to the helicopter!

Still, perhaps it's fast military plane (Lockheed Blackbird?) reflecting sunlight from around the globe or, more likely, it's a satellite like the iridium satellites catching the sunlight.

But then...

The object changed direction. It didn't 'turn' as such. The direction change was instantaneous and by about 45 degrees upwards. By now, the object was crossing the centre of me view, very quickly, and heading at an upwards angle instead of horizontal. It was going fast enough that the brightness was leaving a bright trail of its path in my vision.

At that point, I thought, sort of, "wha..."

Before I had time to think anything more, the object made another similar direction change, now going about straight up, and seemed to accelerate as well. Within a second or so it gradually vanished from sight as it got higher and dimmer. The thing went seriously fast at the end, way more than any plane could manage, never mind the spine-snapping sharp turns it made.

Rocket or nuclear missile? No chance, they don't turn like that either.

That was about 20 years ago and I remember it as if it was last night, it was so strange. I have never been able to come up with an explanation that fits the high velocity manoeuvring I witnessed. So, it's a UFO in my book.

I'm still extremely sceptical about aliens though.
I see you live in Roswell FoxyRick. Sorry I misread that, you live in Rossendale.

FWIW, I've had a similar experience with a light in the night sky changing direction in a strange way (90 degrees in my case). No idea what it was.
Bechet45 said:
How about a fire-fly taken by a bat?

It's possible but it would've had to have been a bloody big fire-fly. The only explanation I've thought of is possibly a Chinese lantern suddenly taken by a gust of wind but the light was more constant tand brighter than that of a Chinese lantern.
I say the same thing about 'ET's' as a I say about 'Spirits'. If you're really there, they take your pick: 1 Help with the Wash, 2 do the Lawn Work or 3 just pay some of the Bills!
Do that and you can stay!