TSR yearly subscription?

I donated £5 at Christmas time (yeh I know I'm a tight fist it was the least I could do for putting up with me:blush::icon_razz

This year I'll do the same, unless one of the mods states that I cause headaches and demands more cash :s
it's been a slow burning idea in the back of my mind to start a donations day thread to highlight the idea of showing our appreciation of TSR. I'm sure there are plenty of members who donate already without creating a big hullabaloo about it so a "show your love" thread could raise enough for the forum to continue in it's current form. if every active member gave between 5 and 10 quid it would soon add up
It wont ever become a pay to access site guys, I started it as an alternative and as a result of the heavy nature at other sites. The whole idea is for everyone to have access (as long as you sign up as a member) If you want to donate then feel free but I won't ever ask for compulsory payment. The easiest way to help fund things is to click on some google ads and use the amazon links when you want to buy something.

Sent from my Maybach


Clearly I need to get out more; I had to look up Maybach, and having just viewed their website I am amazed just how similar those cars are to my Renault Clio eg they too like my Clio have four wheels that make contact with the road via rubber tyres....... there are other similarities but I don't wish to bore you!
