TSR Epsilon LE 2016

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In seriously considering getting g the ha does made separately, that way we could even have another shape and colour, in addition to the anchor-algae

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If Vie Long cannot turn the handles and getting them made elsewhere is a viable option it sounds like that would be a course worth pursuing.
Yes again I agree. My benchmark in terms of quality v price is the last Shavemac LE DO1's. The VL knot IMO is better than the Shavemac DO1's as it has my required level of density/scritch out the box etc. But if the handle and knot comes in at much more than the Mac then it seems pointless especially with the moulded handle.

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It sounds like we are in danger of talking ourselves out of this brush. If the handle comes from elsewhere then all on offer is another Chinese knot in a handle. It ceases to be an Epsilon brush in my eyes. I can't see the knot being Spanish Badger.
Would be nice to see a sample of the handle before fully commiting to the purchase. Completely ignorant about the moulding process and its effect on marbling. Maybe we should ask Mr Cadman if it's not to cheeky I agree with Wayne though that a out sourced handle is not really a Epsilon even with their knot.
Not so concerned about the knot which I am sure will be fantastic!
Maybe I'm confused, which is pretty normal, but if VieLong said they could use the material that you chose then they are going to turn the handles from that material. I would think that only massed produced low price offerings would be mounted in molded handles. Just my thought.
Hey Numbersix that makes two of us. Juan said that they can use the material whether we or they source it, it's not an issue. But he then continued to ask if I can supply a blank mould ( an anchor handle). So I presume they will mould it to that shape as opposed to turn it.

If anyone is fluent in Spanish and has the time to help me please PM me, may help with bringing this to fruition.

Lastly regarding the handle. Strange for me as I agree the handle and knot make it an Epsilon. However, a lot of users refer to the knot being superb but not the handle so by having the handle turned separately would we not be improving an already good product? Not to be taken as 'this is what we must do' also not to be taken out of context with everyone having individual opinions. But something we all need to decide on. I'm happy either way. It is the knot that gets me singing. Also I really really really don't want to send my Shavemac anchor out to Spain as it my number 1 brush!

Also please be reassured as with all my other group buys money wont be taken till were all happy.

My personal thoughts at this stage is we are lacking numbers but I'm waiting on Juan to give a final price and minimum number.

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Make a mould of the handle, pour in the resin, no marbling like Algae, maybe a stir and mix a little. Juan needs a sample handle.


Acquire Algae banks and turn to the dimensions of the Anchor handle. Juan needs a handle or at least a vertical photo of one alongside a ruler or a dimensioned drawing. I can imagine he'd prefer the former.

Nishy has reported Juan as saying he will do both on separate occasions. Only we can tell Juan what we'd like and only Juan can tell us if we can have it.

I'd like Juan to turn handles from Algae blanks.
What you need Avnish is a digital Vernier calliper/gauge. That would give you extremely accurate measurements from your handle to send to Juan. Amazon have them for around £8.00 upwards.
That's the pigeons, now for the bag of cats........

Could you not get Bernd to make the knot to your specs by sending him the Epsilon? Handles we know are not an issue, he may even be cheaper!
In that case I believe a call to Mr Cadman may be in order. I cannot see us getting 20+ identical handles from many other places. He must be able to source a green algae and he'll know what we want shape wise too.
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