Trig Silver Edge

Tried these tonight and was surprised. This is the only thread I could find on them on here :

I tried a blade out in a heavy ball end Tech and used Cade soap lather. On a par with a Derby (I like Derbys) for comfort on the neck but gave a much closer shave than a Derby would. About as close as a 7 o'clock Yellow.

Finished off with Proraso balm and now, later I don't feel like I've shaved so a thumbs up from me.

Anyone else rate them?
I rate them. Was the first blade I ever stocked up on as as well as being sharp and very smooth they are also very cheap. They're made by Treet who also do the excellent Treet platinum.
I haven't found them to last very long, and the sharpness I haven't found to be as good as the Treet platinum, but they are a very smooth every day blade and the bulk price is very good.
Update on my thoughts on these.

After my initial review, I used the same blade in the same razor (a Tech) a second time with Palmolive soap. First few passes on the face fine but when moving onto the neck bad news. Never had drag like it, so uncomfortable that for the first time I aborted and grabbed another razor.

Not to be put off I next used this same blade in my WS Classic with Ingram cream (the mildest, most comfortable combo I have) and whilst it gave an OK shave it wasn't that comfortable.

I tried a brand new Trig last night in a Feather Portable and used Palmolive again - good shave. Tonight in the same razor and using ARKO the same thing happened again with massively uncomfortable drag on the neck area. Switched to a Tech and its loaded Tesco IP to finish the shave.

So, these blades seem to only give one good shave for me and that's it.
I could say the about Thai/Viet blades..except now I have a love for DE shaving in the ill find out how much better in the shower they can be


I had exactly the same thing this week. Tried one for the first time and was very pleased with it in the HD rocket. Had a second go with it two days later and found it to tugg and jump really quite bad, right from the first pass. Never had that before. Blade went in the bin and was replaced by a 7 o'clock black. Very nice result. :lol:
Could it be that the quality control isn't great? I don't know, I'm just guessing. I do know I go for no more than 2 shaves with them. I just use them every now and then (keep experimenting with blades I've bought more recently) and I find them decent in my Merkur 38R. I rate them as an every day cheap blade but they aren't up there with Gillettes or Feathers, but one of the best budget blades for me. I will bear in mind what you said about the performance in those razors though.
Only ever tried this blade in a Merkur Futur (~2 years ago). It was included in my sampler pack from Connaught. It was absolutley fine in the Futur but I haven't tried it in any other razors.

...might get out the remainder of the pack