Tradere SB three days in

Saturday January 28, 2012
The first day I thought it was my preoccupation with a crap lather that was to blame - got lost in mt shave sequence. The second day I got lost again and realised it was because I was concentrating so hard on the Tradere and its demand for accuracy of approach angle - and a very sharp blade. This morning I put in a green 7 O'clock and the whole shave was much easier but still required focus on angle - I got a decent shave from it, but no more.

Like the Tradere OC, I found the SB demanded an accurate blade angle and did not tolerate well more than the slightest deviation - getting either too mild or too aggressive, this latter being the easier to slip onto. Maybe I've grown too accustomed - if that is possible - to the easy BBS shave of either of my Webers and so feel uncomfortable having to focus quite so hard when using the Tradere SB - and still not getting a DFS. I'm sure that will come with familiarity with the razor but with a Weber it is instant, there from the start.

The Tradere SB is way less aggressive than the OC, as the manufacturers claim, but it is still not a mild razor, imo - and is certainly one needing attention in use.

Addition an hour later: I forgot to mention that hey have shortened and slimmed the handle a bit and imo this adversely effects the balance and thus the shave.
Very interesting Bechet45.

I read an article earlier in the week where others reported the same findings as yourself especially comparing the Tradere(s) to Weber offerings. It seemed Weber seemed to be the better option overall when considering all aspects of a razor.

I have not had the pleasure of a Tradere so can only confirm I have found the relative ease of use of a DLC Weber too.