Top five 2016 TV shows

Monday February 9, 2015
TV shows that have - or will - air in 2016

For me, right now, my top five shows would probably be:
Wolf Creek
The Shannara Chronicles
The Night Manager
The Durrells

Honorary mentions;
The Night Manager

Awaiting Westworld

Edit: I thought we were talking about 2016 shows
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Only programmes I watch are
Game of Thrones and looking forward to the next season of Narcos.

I was in a business last Fall whereas a group of young men were gathered around a PC watching Narcos. I watched for a few minutes and casually remarked that:

A. the 'star' was not Colombian due to his accent (turns out he's Brazilian)

B. neither is his moll (she's Mexican).

After I said this they just stared at me. I lived there for a year and know the regional accents & mannerisms as well.

P.S. The show is total BS and about as real as SPAM. Trust me, drug dealers are not romantic in the least.
Thats some good accent detective work. Luckily I never noticed, if it was a yank doing a crap english accent then that it would annoy me.

You'll be telling me that Star Wars isn't true next.
Thats some good accent detective work. Luckily I never noticed, if it was a yank doing a crap english accent then that it would annoy me.

You'll be telling me that Star Wars isn't true next.

Most English, Scots, Irish, etc., actors cannot totally conceal their accents while playing a Yank. Kenneth Branagh probably did it best.

Ironic that you should mention Star Wars as I once read where George Lucas at first wanted the space scenes to be silent, i.e., scientifically correct such as in 2001 A Space Odyssey, as space is a vacuum. However, he decided against it as it was thought too many would find it boring.
Well I'm happy about that then. 2001 A Space Odyssey is bobbins.

As for 2016 programme, I'm wanting to catch up on Peaky Blinders.
Struggling to find anything to get really excited about this year, stuff that springs to mind -

Daredevil Season 2 - solid comic book stuff.
Banshee Season 4 - enjoyed, but too short.
11.22.63 - young lad watched this and thought it was great
Billions - have only watched the first episode and liked it, must get back to it
Colony - only cos I recorded it on the Sky Box, not great but helps kill an hour
Game Of Thrones - have yet to watch a single episode, must get on this.

Currently re-visiting 'Rescue Me' - enjoying watching it over again, has a bit of everything and makes my laugh out loud at times.

Waiting on... new Homeland, new Luther, Narcos Season 2 and Luke Cage.
Gave The Preacher a second chance last night..ended up watching two episodes in a row before I realized it was 1:30am.
Great show and solid acting.
Never heard of any of the shows mentioned except 11.22.63.

And that's only because I have read the book.

Might have to watch that one.