Top 5 Soaps

As a relative newbie I'm intrigued to find out what the well seasoned shavers, movers and shakers of this fine site would class as there top 5 soaps.

Only tried proraso green and tabac so far. I'm sure there is a whole world of soapy goodness waiting on me.
I also as a newbie would be interested in the top five myself.
The only soap I have used so far is the Classic Shaving brand which seems to work very well.

Here are the ones I've got on best with:

Proraso Green
Palmolive Stick
Mitchell's Wool Fat

Beyond that, I've had mixed results with:

DR Harris Marlborough - takes a lot of effort (check out antdad's hard soap tutorial to see what's involved)
Musgo Real - creates a stiff lather that dissipates quickly
Trumper violet - nice smell, shame about the lather
Valobra - not bad, but not up with the top list
Neale's Yard - very slick but no cushion at all

And I've been disappointed with:

Nanny's Arabian Nights - much harder to lather than I expected it to be (but I would point out that I was impressed with a sample of Down Home Summer, so I may have had a dodgy batch - I bought it on BST so I guess the previous owner had been similarly unable to get a consistent lather)
Stirling Scot's Pine - not easy to lather and the pine oil irritates my face (another BST acquisition, so I guess the previous owner was equally unimpressed)
I wouldn't consider myself a mover or even a shaker, but here is my attempt at a top 5 list (in no particular order):

Mitchell's Wool Fat
Czech & Speake O&C
Speick Stick
Valobra Stick
Martin de Candre Unscented
It's all what works for you

In my regular rotation so what works best for me are
Old spice
Mikes soap barbershop
Use quite a few more but they are my favourites
I haven't tried anywhere near as many as many members but of my current rotation of 5 soaps my top 3 are:

Kent (MWF)
Palmolive stick
Martin De Candre Fougère
Martin De Candre
Nanny's Silly Soap French Lavender
Nanny's Silly Soap Bamboo and White Grape (with goat's milk, fantastic scent)
Mitchell's Wool Fat
I tried a wide variety of soaps during my shaving blog years.

At present the only soaps I'm using are Palmolive and Arko. Their lather is as good as any I tried. Another outstanding performer is Martin de Candre. At the price, I'm unlikely to restock. I might get more Tabac - another good value soap. As a fifth, I'd add MWF although it's a lather challenge with our local water.
Stirling Anise
Mikes Barbershop
Nannys Ice and Slice
Le Pere Lucien
Barrister & Mann (not sure of the scent name, threw away the wrapper)

If you asked me last week it'd be different...