Today's EDC

In all honesty , you could carry the maddest looking knife ever, its just a lottery if you ever get stopped. Police these days tend to like their heated seats, not seen one walking the beat in a long time.
Probably no beat officers left and they wonder why we have crime.
It’s a different topic & i don’t want to hijack this but i remember having authority everywhere.
In the park, on the bus,
Police came round regular
now nothing.
Kids have no one to look up to these days
In all honesty , you could carry the maddest looking knife ever, its just a lottery if you ever get stopped. Police these days tend to like their heated seats, not seen one walking the beat in a long time.

You're right, but I'm CRB checked regularly and if I got caught carrying illegally it would bugger up my career.

Legal carry knives cover my day to day needs anyway.
Two quid for emergencies. I leave the knife carrying to the Gangsta's, there are enough of them carrying the legal machete size as it is.
I always carry a fiver for emergencies, it was was something instilled into me by my parents whenever I went out.
They would say put it in a different pocket, then you won't spend it and you can use the phone box if necessary to call home or get the bus.
I do the same thing to my grand kids now and did with my boys when they were small.
Just without the you can call home at a phone box speech because they would look at me with blank eyes.
Confused Gary Coleman GIF
A habit i have had since the 1980`s is to keep a small bag of mixed coins in the car. Used to be primarily for parking meters, but has always regularly come in handy for something or other.

Any change i find in my pocket goes into an old plastic bank coin bag in the side pocket of the drivers door.

Cash is definitely making a come back in my experience.
I always carry a fiver for emergencies, it was was something instilled into me by my parents whenever I went out.
They would say put it in a different pocket, then you won't spend it and you can use the phone box if necessary to call home or get the bus.
I do the same thing to my grand kids now and did with my boys when they were small.
Just without the you can call home at a phone box speech because they would look at me with blank eyes.
Confused Gary Coleman GIF
My Dad always told me to put a Quid down my sock, great when it was paper, cripples me nowadays..
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