TOBS Shaving Shop Cream

Thursday May 2, 2013
Taylor of Old Bond Street: Shave Shop Shaving Cream. My first TOBS cream and the last of the 3 T's for me to try so the scent was what interested me the most and will continue to be the point of interest as I try the rest of the range.

So, the categories that I could think of:

Price: £7.95 standard price direct from TOBS. Absolute steal when you consider the other 2 T's cost more than double that for only 10g more product.

Tub: Identical to my eyes to Truefitt & Hill tubs, same shape and solid design except it is slightly smaller, due to having 10grams less product inside. Under the lid is a clear plastic disc that falls straight out so wouldn't be an extra barrier of protection if a tub was dropped during lid removal.

Cream Quality: Cream consistency is the same as D R Harris - slightly harder than T&H so I guess easier to scoop out? It doesn't seem to stick to your finger as much as T&H anyway. Produces a thinner lather than T&H but perhaps that wouldn't be true if more was used. I like mine a little thinner anyway to reduce 'razor clog' but my immediate thought is it's less 'luxurious' than T&H, which produces a lather more like perfectly smooth whipped cream than something resembling soap lather.

Performance: Razor glide is great and cushion is good but not as good as T&H. Didn't dry my skin either so big bonus.

Scent: This is all I cared about if I'm honest. The main thing I can say about the Shave Shop scent is that it seems like it is more of an afterthought than anything else. I thought Trumpers scents were subtle but this is in a different league. It has a very faint but refreshing artificial lemon scent but it's so weak that you'll struggle to even smell it after a few sniffs. Surprisingly to me it didn't get weaker after being lathered so it is still pleasurable. It will be a great summer or morning cream as the subtlety makes it easy on the senses. To me it smells a bit like a bathroom that was cleaned with Cif cream a few hours earlier.

Overall I could tell it was lacking a certain quality that T&H and Trumpers bring to the table but not half the quality as the price may suggest. If you like very subtle citrus scents then this is for you but despite the name, I would never imagine a Shave Shop to smell like this
Just goes to show how YMMV the shaving world is. I can honestly barely smell anything on this cream, nothing more than a sprinkling of lemon sherbet buried in the background. I guess it's not quite exactly lemon but it is a sharp citrus scent along the lines of Lemon & Lime but nothing else.
I'm with Nishy on Arko being like lemon sherbet. I think Shaving Shop has various citrus scents and lavender plus some unknown others. Love it!