TOBS Sandalwood Cream

Can someone describe a sandalwood scent? Is it flowery? I always see sandalwood fragranced creams but never know what it is.
DPTC said:
Can someone describe a sandalwood scent? Is it flowery? I always see sandalwood fragranced creams but never know what it is.

It varies quite widely, depending upon the manufacturer's interpretation, and I don't really know how to describe it.

It's like a woody/flowery/sweet scent, and probably my favourite sandalwood cream was an Art Of Shaving Sandalwood cream that I once owned.

Every sandalwood scent I have smelt is different. TOBS has a very light sandalwood scent which to my nose is more talc based. D.R Harris has more of an incense note mixed with sandalwood. Finally the AOS sandalwood balm is a heavy incense scent with a warming sandalwood fragrance. Of the three TOBS is my favourite although in terms of a realistic sandalwood scent AOS or Harris is much closer.
Well guys, I've lurked about these here forums for a while before signing up, I've read numerous threads about how this is better than that, how this glides more than something else and I must confess I was very sceptical. At the end of the day it's a bit of sharp metal and some soap suds! This TOBS was gonna be the same as the Palmolive that my old Grandad used and that I've been using for years of cartridge shaving and for the last 3 weeks of DE. Sure it'll smell different but it'll be the same kind of stuff in some fancy packaging with a cool name to justify the extra cost.......or it'll be totally amazing! Wow it appears not all soap suds are equal! Totally awesome shave, much smoother than previous shaves, less burning and no little nicks! I really don't understand how the cream can make that much difference.....but it does! Wow! I'm totally stunned and converted.....It seems you guys DO know what you're talking about! There is a difference between one thingy wotsit and another! Dam now I'm gonna have to go back and re-read all those threads again!!! This isn't gonna be cheap!!!