TOBS Peppermint

Possible. I might be down the end of Jan if not

Fair enough, I may pop into Jermyn Street this saturday after the football if I get a chance. I'm liking Altoids currently for the sore throat issues doing the rounds so this would fit in nicely.
Hi Occams Razor, the Peppermint is currently only available from Taylors, with their retailers expected to get supplies sometime after Christmas. However I was in London when I read this thread and on a visit to Taylor's I bought one to try for myself, also picked up an extra. I have it in the shop, if you like the scent when your next in, it's yours if you want it.

Thanks Ian! Now that's what I call fantastic customer service!! :icon_razz:

fly3k said:
Just see they have launched a peppermint shaving cream. Should be interesting. Be interested to hear what people think or if anyone visits the shop what it smells like.

I have a tub I picked up at lunchtime today from Ian who read this post whilst in London for a few days and very kindly bought me some from TOBS.
To me it smells like Trebor extra strong mints, although Ian thought it smelled like Polo mints.

Nishy said:
Fair enough, I may pop into Jermyn Street this saturday after the football if I get a chance. I'm liking Altoids currently for the sore throat issues doing the rounds so this would fit in nicely.

It might clear you're tubes if the Altoids haven't worked! Smells like extra strong mints.