Thoughts after five shaves

As you might recall, I picked up a Gem Clog-Pruf a week or so ago and posted a couple of early questions. I've had it for a week now and thought I'd comment on my (albeit brief) experience so far.

I've shaved 5 times with it this week, each with the same blade. This is unheard of for me - I usually chuck a blade after 2 or at most 3 uses, but they do seem to have a longer life than my usual DE blades (most commonly Rapira in the pink and blue wrapper).

My first shave was, as you'd expect, pretty rough and not a little scary - that said, I completed the three passes without too much blood. There seemed to be a lot of blade exposed and the blade itself felt rougher than I was used to. I daresay that Max's (mstrunck's) advice to strop first would help with the latter problem. The former has simply been a question of getting used to the feel of the razor - although I would say that Dick's point about the corners of the blades being shielded has provided a degree of comfort that I simply can't give myself the same injury I did using the R41.

My face was still a bit tender for the second shave so I made do with two passes. The finish was patchy and rough, but I didn't do myself any additional harm. The blade itself still felt somewhat rough.

I skipped a morning to allow some recovery time before going for the third and fourth shaves on consecutive mornings. My technique had definitely improved - I was able to shave against the grain without wincing on the third shave and the fourth (a two pass experiment) was an altogether smoother affair - although sadly not smooth enough that I'd be happy to leave it at two passes every day.

There then followed a Sensor shave (rushing and needed to cut corners) before coming back to the Gem this morning. Today's shave was easily my easiest and I really feel that I've found my feet with the razor. I'm not quick with it yet, but I don't feel that I'm taking an inordinate amount of time either. I have been tempted during the week to go back to a DE, but I think that sticking with it for 5 shaves has definitely helped me to find a rhythm that I would probably have struggled with if I'd chopped and changed.

In summary, my impressions of the razor were good at first - it's a great looking thing and really well made - and, with practise, the performance has come to match it.

I'm going to go back to my EJ89 for the weekend's shaves as I'll be interested in the contrast in closeness and experience between the two, but will switch to a new SE blade for next week and again have a few consecutive shaves to see if I can improve further.

Thanks to all for the helpful replies I received - I can see why these razors attract fans. I might possibly count myself amongst them, but I'll give it a few weeks first to see if it's a fad or a conversion!

Glad to hear your experience improved. I had a similar experience with my first SE, a Streamline. I'd heard great things about it, but ruined my face on my first shave. They improved with more practice though, as you found. I still find the GEM blades a bit rough on their first shave.
antdad said:
I didn't particularly like the clog proof but there are plenty of others to try.

I nearly went straight for the OCMM but I don't get along too well with OC DE razors so went for this instead. As Wil says, I think it's probably a decent starter SE.

What would you recommend instead?
Oh blimey...I'm not the right person to ask, there's only one SE razor I use regularly so you should probably make your own way.

It's the Ever-ready E-bar, the English version of the US GEM G-bar only more aggressive, I have a back-up I'd be willing to loan out if you don't find anything you like so give me a shout if that happens.

I'll have a read up on that one at some stage. That said, I'm pretty happy with how the Clog-Pruf is going for me at the moment, so I'll stick with it for a while yet. I can chop and change when I've got a bit more proficient with it. This morning's DE shave was so easy and close that it's reminded me that I've got a way to go yet.
So, I'm now ten shaves into my Clog-Pruf life and over the last two days I've had a real epiphany. Yesterday was my fourth shave with my second blade (if that makes sense) and I only had time for a two pass shave. I don't normally stretch my skin but this time had a go and the finish was really very good, definitely good enough for a work day without me feeling scruffy.

Today I had enough time for the full three passes and had what I would probably classify as my first BBS. I've been very surprised as to how close I got.

Last week, I was really looking forwards to getting back to my DE's when the blade expired, but at the moment I'm thinking I will go straight into another week of SE shaving. I'll definitely strop the blade first though - I don't like the rough and tuggy first couple of shaves I get with the Gems.

Still struggling a little with the top lip - the blade doesn't seem to slice through ATG as easily as my DE does, but I feel that the rest of the puzzle is falling into place.
Wow, ATG on the upper lip gets my admiration C/Harris ! On my usual 2 passes ( One with, one against) the grain I go with the grain 1st time, across the grain second. Against the grain upwards towards the old septum is just too scarey for me !

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:

Cheers JohnnyO! I don't find it too bad overall, but definitely tuggy which I think might be an angle thing. Ironically, the hair becomes a little less thick directly below the septum so that's the easy part. Midway between lip and septum is where I struggle.

Typically, after feeling everything was well in hand, I've had a really rough shave today. Might be because it was the 6th time out for the blade but I wouldn't be surprised if it was down to me.

I have just posted a piece regarding your shave of the day before I noticed this posting.

I think you are doing really well and to be quite fair you have not started your SE shaving with the most gentle and forgiving razor in the the SE stable. The Clog-pruf is a fairly aggressive razor IMHO and whilst it is my second favourite only the OCMM and the 1924 Shovelhead are more aggressive.

There are many gentler models to try and I make the same offer as Antdad if you fancy trying any of the others I have most of them and you are welcome to try whatever you like.

Hi Dick

Thanks for your replies here and on SOTD. I'll bear the stropping advice in mind and not overdo it (I had been thinking if digging an old strop out to use, but that seems overkill now). Palm stropping has always worried me, especially first thing in the morning when I'm still a bit bleary

In terms of trying other razors, the offer is really kind, but I'll stick with the Clog-Pruf for now. Given that I'm doing OK with an agressive razor I'd rather not tone it down in case I find it hard to adjust back. The one razor I do fancy is a streamline, predominantly from an aesthetic perspective - but they seem to be going for a bob or two on the bay at the moment (yet a few went unsold last month, so I assume that we just have a bit of a supply and demand mismatch this month). I wouldn't want to borrow one of those in case it leaves me yearning for something outside of my price bracket!

One thing I would say is that I love the names of the SE razors: Damaskine, Shovelhead, streamline, OCMM (I assume in honour of Occam's razor!) - definitely classier than your average name!
UKRob said:
Have you considered the Gem Junior? Apart from the shave itself (which is great), the version with a wide Bakelite handle just looks so good.

I saw one of those in an antique shop in the Cotswolds a couple of weeks ago. At first glance I thought I'd bagged me a stahly (chubby handle to blame). Alas they wanted stahy prices (£50 although they would have come down to £45 for cash) and so I left it where it was.

I'm not completely won over by the looks, but if it had been a tenner (maybe even fifteen) I'd have had a dabble.

Good to know that the shave is good though - I'll bear that one in mind for the future.

I'm off to the Cotswolds for the week-end tomorrow so it's good to know there are shaving items to be had - but bad to know they expect to sell at that kind of price. My GEM Junior cost about US$25 including postage. I don't think a shaving implement can get much simpler than this and just like the Ever Ready 1912 they seem to get straight into the correct angle. Take my word for it and get one!!

Consider myself instructed! As soon as the heat from the good lady her indoors is off I shall start looking. Sadly I've got two Rolls Razors coming (she only knows about one), a bunch of Polsilvers and one of the ebay brushes so I'm in a bit of trouble

Prices were my problem - I was looking for razors (not much selection) or shaving mugs. In general, it was overpriced and poor quality (very few unchipped shaving mugs). Definitely designed to catch overseas tourists. That said - I reckon you could have a bit of fun haggling them down, particularly if you know your stuff.