This Place Is Dangerous

Wednesday August 15, 2012
I've only been back here for a few months.

Since I last.posted several years ago my razors had stayed the same.

2 x 2011 R41s
R41 Rose Gold
R41 Grande
R41 Chrome
2 x Gillette birth year razors
Merkur 45 Bakelite
Merkur 4-.Piece Travel Razor

For years that was great. I was happy.

Then, in just a few months I've added a Parker Shavette and sold it again. Sold all of the above, except a 2011 R41 which is unused and in its box and bought:

R41 Twist
R41 GS
Rockwell 6S
Razorine Flatboy

The 2011 stays in its box, so I just have these four in my rotation.

Quite a turnaround in a few months. Actually though, this little lot suits me just fine. The Twist will be my travel razor, and the other three are daily drivers which are all solid and great shavers.

I always find, if you're going to say that to someone, a dash of silver hair, specs and a bow tie help massively. At least from a self defence POV.

His guard is a bit low though and he ought to step back out of range. Leaning in like that to someone he's already identified as lacking self control is just asking for a round elbow strike to those haughty cheekbones! Look at the way the dark haired guys head and neck draw down as his shoulders tense up. Old smarty pants is about 3 seconds away from a reet larrupping. Other methods of opinion adjustment may be preferable.
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So, since imported this I have a 3One6 on the way!

Areas it's consistent with myatest approach of steering away from plated errors.
You should really try a Razorine Premium Special. The fully nickel-plated DE shavette super beastie! Same head as the Flatboy but with a handle like a Kamisori. CNC machined from solid brass. I might have one for sale soon....
You should really try a Razorine Premium Special. The fully nickel-plated DE shavette super beastie! Same head as the Flatboy but with a handle like a Kamisori. CNC machined from solid brass. I might have one for sale soon....
Why are you selling it?
Why are you selling it?
Because I’m a pussy and don’t get on with my Flatboy or this Razorine. Just like I couldn’t handle the R41 stainless steel panzer tank or a Rockwell on 5 or 6. I prefer the comfort of less blade gap. A plain old DE89 or 34C, a nice stainless Gamechanger 0.68 or one of my vintage Gillette TTOs.

Horses for courses mate. I can’t manage straights / shavettes / Premium Specials without 200% concentration. Even then the results aren’t great. And, DE89s are great razors.

I surprised about the Flatboy though. Mine is really smooth and sooooo easy to use.
Hmm, I'll have another go with the Flatboy but it's shavette-style chum is for the heave ho. I've been shaving with a T-shaped device for so long that my hands and mind rebel against anything else.