This forum - the backgound.

& a fishtail with removable quilted lining. Oh yes. Don't get me started, as my Vespa seems to say to me these cold mornings.
PaulH said:
I always wondered how you could get a Vespa to move forwards, surely the wind resistance on all those mirrors must be enormous?

No, they're two-way mirrors. Wind goes right through them. Them and the bloody parka.

And you have a greater power than just the 49cc engine driving you forward... (my lawnmower is 148cc :lol: )

A similar phenomenon is happening on The Shave Den.

Its a sense of humour thing - or rather lack of - Fido.
I found an old post on a B&B thread, it said I had only 4 posts to my name when I think I had around 400 before the ban, why would they even bother?


I actually logged in the other day after a general break from most of the internet (I lost the link to the Paul's decant club and was going to grab it from CONUK - now thoughtfully posted elsewhere on here thanks!) and I found that my membership to CONUK had been removed for no reason, despite my relatively high number of posts in the big pool. Nice way to reward a contributor :roll: .
JDE said:
Nice way to reward a contributor :roll: .

Yep, I was foolish enough to contribute a few weeks before it all kicked off. Oh well, I have to admit that I did get a lot from B&B, especially in the first few weeks, and also from CONUK. For around a tenner it was money well spent. I suppose.

True, true. Mind you, having run/been associated with a lot of forums over the years, I believe a PM or an email first would have been "gentlemanly" rather than just blocking membership to a subgroup that (now, anyway) doesn't break any forum rules. I understand that typing 300-odd PM's is a pain and I understand that they do a lot of work etc etc, but ffs - a banning would get a PM, even a mod-edited post should probably come with a PM from the mod explaining their actions. Why a subgroup block would be any different is beyond me, but it's their forum, not mine. Also... I don't really care, tbh, i'm just whining for the sake of it :shave .