This forum blocked by mobile phone's Content Control

Out of off of Chorley
I sometimes view these forums using on mobile phone using the mobile data service (i.e. not WiFi).

When I first tried this the TSR forums were blocked because Vodafone by default has "Content Control" switched off. I know this because once I had asked Vodafone to enable Content I was immediately able to view the forums (by Tapatalk and via the web page direct).

I understand that the "Content Control" is supposed to protect the user from pornography etc. but how come TSR is classed as Controlled Content?
Is this block controlled by the mobile phone company or can it be lifted by the forum administrators?

The reason I ask is that although I've sorted out my personal mobile (albeit a bit embarrassing asking for the "porn filter" to be removed) I also have a work mobile which I'd like to be able to use to access the forums. I don't think my employer would appreciate me asking them to unblock the "porn filter" for my work mobile!

Anyone know how "Content Control" is controlled?
With your work mobile can't you find another reason to get the porn block removed. Are there any work related sites that you can't access ?

May be TSR gets blocked due to the frequent reference to blades.

Reminds me of the day we found a senior member of management had been looking at porn during working hours on a work desktop. Everything was locked down except one PC. There was some sort of problem with it, on inspection there was quite a history on it.
I must have restrictions unlocked, I'm on EE but never requested anything to be unlocked/restricted. Works fine with tapatalk on data.
I do prefer the older version of tapatalk though.
Nishy said:
I must have restrictions unlocked, I'm on EE but never requested anything to be unlocked/restricted. Works fine with tapatalk on data.
I do prefer the older version of tapatalk though.

Same here Nishy. No block, but isn't it going to change? Think I've seen something about locking down and customers opting in. Not sure.
I have the same issue on my work T-mobile sim. No problems with my personal Virgin sim which uses the T-mobile network.

I don't think its a key word (blades) block as I can access B&B and TSN without any problems.

It's specific to TSR.
MrK1 said:
I don't think its a key word (blades) block as I can access B&B and TSN without any problems.

It's specific to TSR.

That's a good point because I can access TheShaveDen with the Content Blocker in place so I agree it must be specific to TSR. Are we on a black-list?

It can't be good for TSR as it is restricting access; maybe people never even find TSR because it is invisible on their phones. Is this something the forums administrator can find out?

Jeltz said:
Its classified as an adult themed website, presumably we are all a bunch of shaved tw*ts.

Agree; I reckon we must be incorrectly labelled as adult content, which should be fixed. Personally I'm not really happy being linked to those other types of shaved content.
Another issue with the HTC m8 and tapatalk, cant upload pictures, stalls at the end with a 'please wait' message. Seems to be a common issue with the new update.
Think it was blocked on vodafone for me too but that was zonks ago!!

Regards work, I much preferred when they didn't block anything. Forums are used quite a lot in my line of work (IT) so it doesn't make sense to block those sites. Often we look at online communities for solutions to code problems and so on. But it seems my last employee was blocking every site under the sun including TSR. Definitely see the link with the word razor or blade as other shave forums where culled as well.
fancontroller said:
Is this block controlled by the mobile phone company or can it be lifted by the forum administrators?

Anyone know how "Content Control" is controlled?

It's entirely down to the mobile phone networks... under government pressure... implementing a half-arsed blocking system under the guise of "protecting the children" (because their parents are incapable of parenting adequately).

How is it controlled? By shadowy functions within those networks - who all ascribe to their own agenda and all under the guise of protecting children (because that's what mumsnet wants).

Is it actually doing anything useful as a policy? Nope - because all those that have a pressing need to circumvent can easily find one (like when BTBroadband started blocking the file-sharing sites like PirateBay... links to stopped working but didn't skip a beat - but they have to be seen to be doing something even if it is as effective as a catflap to an elephant)
Totally agree with you Hunnymoster. We don't have any parental controls set and have a 7and a 13 year old. Now before anyone fires me down for it, like Hunnymonster says, as a parent it my responsibility to parent my children and teach them the ways of the world. That includes the good, the bad and the ugly. My son in particular knows the difference between acceptable and unacceptable. He knows it's not locked down. Why bother, life and everyday experiences outside the web doesn't have a lock on it.

I feel the first steps are to trust your child. I keep a close eye on him, he knows it, he also knows where I am if he needs me, as does my daughter.

My son also watches films outside his age group, nothing pornographic and nothing of the horror genre. Again up to me to explain the content etc.

No we are not the bestest family in the world, just a normal family trying to arm our kids with some sort of reality on life.
I am on ee for my mobile, my content is set to allow 18 sites, and i have been blocked from accessing this site on several occasions, but have had no problems on other sites, so it is a mystery to me.
