Think I need a new 'puter...

It doesn't default to desktop but you can make it default to desktop, in which case start screen (metro) just becomes a highly customisable start menu.

I've got one step shutdown on mine, very easy to create a button, got one for re-start too.

Works so very nicely, some really nice apps for it and desktop mode seems just as efficient as windows 7 to me. Makes most sense with a touchscreen but even without it's just a case of getting used to a new start menu.
shanky887614 said:
faster? if you have an ssd it is just as fast.

ssd's are cheap now as well.

how is it better? not much if anything for the average user

Things like RAM caching, the streamlined boot sequence and file copying make using it faster. there are loads of improvements to tools and functionality. Natively mount iso's and VHDs, HyperV, the task manager the new security features.
I like the ribbon in file explorer etc as it makes finding settings faster (and they brought back the up button).

If you have a good SSD (or in my case two in RAID 0) then it is going be hard to see the improvements subjectively but it'd be worth the change just for quick boot and file copying. I have spent hours waiting for things to boot or copy/transfer.

Edit spelling and grammar and nonsense
Just get your self a whopping iMac like me! :icon_razz: Set up File Sharing on old iMac
so can access/copy my files. Plus Time Machine base station great for back-ups. Sync is pretty good too. Also a full size keyboard is available :idea: