Things you really don't like.

I certainly spotted that one Dick and it did seem really weird and rather strange, I can't imagine anything worse than a powerfully built Midget women dress in bondage trying to get it on with me the ultimate Midget freak out.


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I absolutely hate melon (to a near phobic degree - I cannot stand the sight of it and will not have it in the house) - every variety in the world except those that come in pairs adorned by lingerie.
I hate people who judge me when they don't know me.
I hate telephone menu systems - what the heck is wrong with speaking to a real live person?
I probably dislike at least one of my brothers.
I often hate myself.
I utterly loathe the idea of Scottish Independence.
I hate Erasmic sticks - they are cack!
I hate wankers that act like they know it all, think they're all posh and superior and look down their nose at you.
I'm not very keen on tongue as is in the foodstuff.
I hate Hibernian FC. (urgh, I just typed it......)
I hate RM's postal charges.
The more I like my dog the less I like people!
I rather dislike feet and just don't get these feet fetishists at all. Toe sucking? Sod that, minging!
Lawrence Llewelyn Bowen - please fuck off and do not pass go.
I hate Gershwin.
I hate people standing behind me looking over my shoulder.
I hate having so many dislikes and realising I'm a social leper.

but I bloody love a DIRTY GREAT RUBY!
Reading Gardiner's list I should add to mine, my brother, I forgot all about him, that's how much he figures in my life. Someone I am afraid to say I truly hate. I reserve that word specifically for him and the hurt he caused my mum.
Northam Saint said:
Reading Gardiner's list I should add to mine, my brother, I forgot all about him, that's how much he figures in my life. Someone I am afraid to say I truly hate. I reserve that word specifically for him and the hurt he caused my mum.

I don't hate my brother , I don't want to fill the rest of my life with such an all consuming emotion , I found it easier to shut him out of my life , we have not talked or seen each other for fourteen or so year's ,

It doesn't consume me, but I really can't stand the bloke. I have to see him every school day as he is the caretaker at my daughters school, I do walk past as though he doesn't exist. Perhaps over time I won't hate him. But the problems he caused and still is causing run too deep. It hasn't been a year yet since I found the abuse he dished out to my mum, financial, mental and even physical. Mum won't press charges, I won't belt him as that sinks lower than his level. I know karma will come up and bite him. Even his daughter is turning against him and prefers my company. Family ! As they say. You can pick your friends. Luckily I've many good friends and a fantastic wife.

Saint must truly be in your nature for given the extremities you mention, I would have sunk deeper than his level and belted seven colours of shite out of him regardless of the consequences. However, in my view, your actions make you much the better man than either he or I. I doff my cap to you, sir.

Oh and I quite like Adam the Farmer from Countryfile.....
God, you must be permanently pissed off.........hold on wait that me aswell!

Another is, as I drive a lot, you are following a slow vehicle down a single lane slip road onto a motorway and there is some halfwit, usually in a BMW, behind you. You indicate to enter the motorway and move to lane one you can not get into lane two as a lorry is in it o/t the slow vehicle in front of you. It passes you, you go to move, whilst still indicating, into lane two and the twat behind you is intent on out accelerating you so you can not
Sorry if you drive a BNW, but you are all tarred with the same brush in my eyes!
That's clever Graeme I didn't quite get it at first I had to look twice very good, that could be the ultimate piss taking Avatar over on Badger & Blade.