Things you really don't like.

Poor basic English skills, or more specifically the defence of sloppy English by other morons making speaking your own language to a reasonable standard, somehow akin to a type of fascism.

Moron: "I wud of done, but there kids might of complained".
Person: "It's would HAVE. And it's THEIR kids".
The moron defence contingent: "Your a grammer nazi. Spelling and grammar int important".

Yes it fucking is, you're not speaking a foreign language, this is your own language. There's no excuse not to be reasonably fluent after 30 years immersed in it.
Alot of these will be people related, but here goes:

- people who are late
- people who are loud
- people who are stupid
- people who are lazy
- people who are rude
- people who are unprofessional
- people with bad manners
- people with no consideration for others in public (e.g. trains, playing loud music through their phones)
- people who don't take their mobiles with them and leave them on their desk, then it rings. Kinda defeats the whole point of a "mobile" phone
- people who are ungrateful
- people who are unapologetic esp when they've done something wrong
- people who are immature
- people who don't look where they're going in the street or realise who's around them, getting in the way or what not, etc
- people who don't listen and talk over you
- people who talk loudly on their phones
- people with bad manners and personal hygiene
- two faced people
- flaky people
- unreliable people

Right that's the people one's done, I'm sure there's more though.

I also don't like:

- traffic
- crowded places
- long queues
- being poor
- the UK justice system
- the UK law
- thing that take ages
- early mornings
- cold weather
- rain

You live in London don't you? :icon_razz:



Hmmm, I would guess Jamie's favorite movie as a kid probably wasn't Snow White.

You're not suggesting that's me, are you?

I drive a £300 car, holiday in Skegness and live in a town called Bulwell (google it).
Automated phone systems.

Especially ones that make you press numbers for 10 minutes to 'speak to an advisor' then say 'Sorry our offices are now closed'

How hard is it to just say that in the first place?

And that twat that that says 'Thank you for your patience, your call is important to us' ever 2 seconds can fuck off as well.
The use of 'as' instead of 'has', brought instead of bought, of instead of have. This list could go on and on.

Also the growing use of text speak when posting.

All of which i have seen on the forum recently. :icon_rolleyes: