Things that really wind you up?

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hunnymonster said:
You know that...

That little diatribe was closed networks in general: Amazon, Apple, China, and potentially others all mixed together. People on here seem overly defensive about Amazon (but not Apple, surprisingly). My complaint is with all closed networks, not any one in particular.

Boab said:
you know I was talking to the honourable gentleman in Taiwan

Refute the assertion in a friendly manner like hunnymonster is doing. Remarks like this one and your other one just above don't add to the discussion, nor do they contribute to the overall sense of community.
man of leisure said:

Slow Rain.......chill my man this thread is things that wind you up, me thinks you are winding yourself up.

I'm just thinking: By focusing energy on a thread about things that winds you up, won't you actually wind yourself up? Is that not the point?

To counter, I think I will start the thread "Things that wind you down"

SlowRain said:
Refute the assertion in a friendly manner like hunnymonster is doing. Remarks like this one and your other one just above don't add to the discussion, nor do they contribute to the overall sense of community.

Actually this community is built on people having a sense of humour, I should know! The honourable gentleman line was in fact a reference back to my previous joke about you being an MP and avoiding answering questions but I guess the irony is lost on you. I really can't be arsed explaining it to you further. Have a google for it. Mind you don't rip that tin foil.
Yes, I understand the terms "MP" and "Honourable" as used in politics, neither of which were used by you in jest. They were just a continuation of the little comments you've been making all along. So far I've answered every one of your questions--several times in some cases. And, as of yet, I have not treated anyone in a condescending manner.

The thread is about things that wind you up. Well, I get wound up by people who are in a rush to go out and buy into closed networks. However, I don't get wound up explaining my stance. Maybe I should also add that I get wound up over snide remarks in a calm discussion.
Right so if this is a closed network it would not be possible for someone to set up a separate website selling ebooks and have them sent to your kindle through your amazon kindle e-mail address. I know I can send books from my computer to my kindle. Think that's the problem people are struggling to see what actually You mean by it's a closed network.

The closed network has more to do with Whispernet, as has already been explained in a previous post.

However, yes, you can buy books in another format (.mobi, I think) and send them to your Kindle or your Kindle app. Amazon's closed ecosystem is actually the other way around: you can't legally buy books from the major publishers from Amazon and read them on another e-reading device or using an app other than Amazon's own. It must be Amazon's, and Amazon's only. That will cause a problem if anyone dares to leave Amazon's ecosystem. If they want to legally switch to another e-reading device, they have to forfeit all of their Amazon e-books because those e-books will only work on the Kindle. If they find an app out there that's better than Amazon's Kindle app, they can't use it because Amazon won't let them. It's a very locked down and heavily controlled system. Not exactly open.

Hopefully, the US Department of Justice and the European Commission will investigate Amazon's anti-competition practices like they did Microsoft's. If they can get Amazon to share their proprietary .azw file format like Microsoft has to share their .doc file format, it will make it easier for customers to move between devices and apps at their free will (similar to how you can switch telecom companies but still keep your same phone number).

most people like me just use mobi, mobi works fine on kindle

relatives really wind me up, especially step dad
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