They need to stop this insanity!

Ahhh, our friends across the pond used to fear "Reds under the beds !!" and would accredit anything bad to "The Damm Rooskies"

Now that Russia is down on its luck and China is fast becoming the dominant super-power, anything bad is being accredited to "The Damm Chinese".

Quick fact check - the research labs in Wuhan are, in fact, part of a world-wide group of labs in various locations around the world which share research and training on dangerous pathogens to help medicine understand them. The experiments to mutate them are aimed at developing vaccines.
I am given to understand that several major world powers have capability in Bio and Chem that could spell mutually assured destruction of all mankind in under an hour. Then again who knows, it's all top secret anyway and there's sod all we can do to stop the madness. The only thing is keeping it out of the hands of those who prefer martyrdom to stalemate. There's enough shit in secret bunkers worldwide to end hinshelwood humanity already, but the fact that there's gonna be no winners keeps most powers from using them. It's the crackpot types who are the real danger.
We have good old Porton Down, in Wiltshire UK, which is super highly secret, but which has been revealed to have played around with the very worst viruses and nerve agents, including secret tests against our own citizens and citys, in the past.

God only knows what they get up to nowadays.

But like Wuhan, it is officially there to do good and develop antidotes and vaccines.