The World Cup

If England had failed to qualify for the world cup and Scotland were there, I would be rooting for Scotland and delighted if they won it.

I just listened to Alan Hansen being asked how he would feel if England won the world cup. He said he would be pleased for his wife and kids because they were English but he was a Scot and would always be a Scot.

What kind of answer was that?

When Saints won the cup I was delighted for them even though I am a Pompey supporter. If England aren't involved I will always support my fellow countrymen in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
What about France last night?

Classic example of players not playing for their manager. Even if he is useless, there was enough good players out there to just go out and win it regardless of their opinions on their manager.

Mexico were up for it, and were well worth their win.

My money was on France though! Le bugger!! :x
Fido said:
I just listened to Alan Hansen being asked how he would feel if England won the world cup. He said he would be pleased for his wife and kids because they were English but he was a Scot and would always be a Scot.

To be fair he's always taken that line...otherwise he'd be hated in both countries rather than just one.
bazwalk said:
Germany v. Serbia first up today. SWMBO is from Nis, Serbia - thought I could swear until I watched the Ghana game with her .
Come on the Ralphs ! :twisted:

Germany lose in a reffin disaster of a game.

Your wife will be happy. But not as happy as my bookie.

That's my World Cup betting bank empty.

..Nice "working" Avatar you have there Tony, is that you ?