"The West Wing" TV show

Think it is - Aaron Sorkin - great writer.

He dropped out of the West Wing before Season 5 which is why you got that blip compared to the other seasons.
Not exactly dropped out, got binned for yet another DUI and possession charge apparently!
Wasn't he also responsible for Studio 66?
I' still in withdrawal after crash-watching the box sets of WW. I just can't find anything to take its place - not helped by my Sky+ Box losing its internet ability and the repair guy isn't coming till Thursday next. It was just so good nothing will seem to satisfy!

I'll try The News Room and Studio 66 on my PC till full Sky capability is reinstated..
The Killing is great, but only available on Netflix. House of cards excellent, almost as good as the original Brit one. Just started on the West Wing. Hope it gets a bit more gritty soon. Boardwalk Empire is one of my favorites and Hannibal too, both on Sky
I adored The West Wing on it's original outing, and have just re watched it in full on Sky Box Set. An amazing series, great characters, intelligent script, and so fast moving that with the thankfully, with the ability of Sky, I managed to re wind a couple of scenes that my brain couldn't actually catch up with the action on screen!

I've also love Borgen, and would love there to be a 4th series. Am pretty pissed off though at the new series of House of Cards is only being shown on PPV TV, and will catch up with it when it's on more general release (Loved the original with our own Francis Urquhart, and it's incredible original airtime co-inciding with actual events in the Thatcher era)

My fiancee like watching X Factor & Big Brother - we often watch TV apart! LOL

The show accurately reflects liberal American thinking in that it is all about 'look how smart we all are'. We talk fast, we're full of knowledge, we're ethical, and our president could have been a historian. It's regarded as liberal propaganda by conservatives.

Great show.
Start watching Homeland this evening, the father and sister having been raving about it, they're into season 4. I'm just about to hit the fifth episode of season 1. Can't get enough of it, excellent stuff.

Hi Carl,

Keep in mind the series is first and foremost considered to be entertainment and not so much a lesson in how things actually work and what Politicians really think. The writing ranges anywhere between good and excellent, with more than a few magic moments mixed into that fancy speechifyin which sometimes almost bordered on being smarmy. The Prez is a Democrat as you know.

In real life, things are different with US politics. Entertaining sometimes describes things but more often than not it can piss a person off royally. Considering myself a Liberal, I can see both parties in a fairly objective light and know when one screws up and yes they both do.

Anyway, i mentioned the GOP (this stands for the Grand Old Party....true) is more known for being the business driven party. Heh, I may have understated things and I will include a few links about Senator Elizabeth Warren and what her deal is. She's a Democrat who held no political office before this and a real smart woman. You do not want this person focusing on you and asking questions for any reason. Yow!

Anyway, she says lots of things I agree with and she isn't afraid to talk about what's on her mind in a mostly polite way. I especially like her keeping on asking the same question from someone and doesn't let em pontificate around the answer with some double talk crap. You got to pin those squirming bastards down.

Plenty of info available on her. Here's a few links:



this was before the election

Y'all can find plenty of stuff about her and learn a bit about real life in Washington. Heh, not quite like West Wing.


Oh jeez, I almost forgot about the CPAC thing just ending. This is the Conservative Convention for that part of the Republicans and they seem to be wagging that party's dog. Yeah, look and see who the speakers were, in addition to the Presidential Nominee hopefuls. Not too many Jewboys being featured anywhere, but lots of good old timey Christians.