The TSR Red Nose Day Competition

Come on chaps, get yer hands in yer pockets................for mantic's "Thank" you fund we had a nice pile of cash donated by members, for a needy cause like this :roll: :roll: :? surely you can spare a fiver at least (that's less than a packet of fags !)

Come on boys........(and nanny Sharon)

OK we're up to the £50 mark, what a great start!

So here goes. I'm slowly taking off my leather boots and gloves. Oooohh, they're very tight. My boots are so shiny. You might have to help me.

NO! Sit back down you naughty boy. :evil:

OK, the next level in my erotic sponsored strip is £100 and that's when the action really hots up. And remember, if you play your cards right I'll go all the way....
Well we have flown past the £100 mark with two weeks still to go. I have decided to keep my imaginary rude clothes on following a recent outburst earlier in the thread. Looking back it was all a little bit too 'Lenny Henry meets Jonathan Ross'. :? I will just say a big thanks to those who have already entered, and ask all you other tight b*stards to dig deep for a good cause and the chance to win big!
NotTheStig said:
I'm entering but only on the condition that PigCat stops this terrible text strip tease!!!
(But please send pictures :-S )

Oh dear, I forgot about that. I've been sat here butt-naked except for a studded leather collar for the last three days.