The TSR Random Shaving Chat

^ My schooling didn't extend to Latin, Celtic67; heck it barely extended to English. Good to know though!

Bamboo shard razor blades JO, you might be onto something -- the green movement and makers of shaving balm will be all over that.
My sister said she'd done the update thing electronically, so I SHOULD be on this year's list....."should be"....
I think the problem is that they changed stuff this last year to do with electoral registers.
The rules changed. No excuse for losing your details though.
I know it doesn't help you right now, but i just moved and everyone one seems to need 'proof of address' to be able to change your address.
Utility bills are hard to come by these days as, like you say, everything is online.

For future reference, ID needs to be 2 things.
1) 'proof of ID' as in your person.
So, passport or driving licence.
2) Proof of address. Something printed off is often not accepted as anyone can muck about with something on the computer.
(Unfortunately people who keep trying to defraud us all have made it difficult for the rest of us)
This proof of address needs to be from within the last three months.

I make sure that I have a bank statement posted to me.
I have my 'pocket money' account one sent through.
I often recommend that people have something sent through on paper for this very reason.
Worth doing for the future.

(Could you ask your bank to post you a statement?)
Well that's not really in my control whether or not they have my name on their list, we did what we were supposed to at our end by re-confirming our details were the same so its down to them to check their system.

I don't know why a bank statement isn't classed as a "utility statement" either, its where you would normally pay your bills from anyway. If it was accepted then I'd print off my online banking no problem. Driving licence is fine but its the other form of proof of address I'm struggling with if my name isn't on the list.
I think it might not be accepted because you printed it off.
Trouble is, the chap you are dealing with doesn't understand.
'Dems da rules'
I would ring the utilities and bank and ask them if they can post you a bill.
Should be with you in a couple of days.
I didn't say anything about printing off a statement I just said "would a bank statement be accepted" and he said no. Only from the list of gas, electricity, water bills, which I don't get billed for separately.
When I pay my rent its an overall contribution to the bills which covers water/electric/gas/broadband/food etc.

So I don't get a 'statement' for it.
Oh, I see.
'normally' bank statement (within last three months and not printed off internet) counts for proof of address purposes.
I can't think of a scenario where it doesn't.
You can get a mortgage with a bank statement.
I think it works for a passport as well.
I wonder if the numpty is getting it wrong.
The document list says for proof of address:

- Tenancy agreement *which I haven't got
- Council Tax registration *same thing with the bills, don't get any written statement
- Utility Bill (one only) Gas/Water/Electricity/Telephone (landline online) *we don't get a paper bill
- Electoral Register
- Driving licence.

The t**t on the phone said it HAS TO BE two of the items listed, and nothing else. I'm beginning to think whether he's a summer temp and he's got it wrong as well!
Had the same trouble recently when trying to register with a GP for treatment for a fairly acute problem. The surgery needed proof of residence and the landlord's hand-written contract wasn't good enough and I had no utility bills. Add in the extended waiting times and four weeks later I finally got to see a GP.
In his sister's name, I'm guessing. DPTC, do you have any 'official' correspondence addressed to you? You could write to your MP asking him/her about something - where does s/he stand on Assisted Suicide and asking for his/her support, for instance. Of the Bill, I mean.
How far off topic are we with this one? Are we in danger of this one becoming another locked political thread?