The TSR Random Shaving Chat

Apparently a bank statement doesn't class as a 'utility bill'! Stupid council clearly haven't thought about catering for all sorts of living situations for this residency permit thing.
They've also asked for "proof of vehicle ownership" saying you can send a Vehicle registration document but then on the top of that it says "not proof of ownership" so what exactly is proof of ownership then?!
Have they not given you lists of what is acceptable? Here, we have to produce one item from each of two lists.

I think for parking permits, your car's Reg document will be accepted.

Whilst they are giving you this runaround, do you need visitor's permits, too?
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They have, but I thought a bank statement was an acceptable proof of address even though it wasn't on the list as I thought it was examples (gas bill, water, electric) etc. I'm using my driving licence as one and hopefully the electoral register entry as the other, although the c**t at the council couldn't tell me if the polling card things that drop through the door each year for the voting classed as me being on their list. Where else do they get my address from then?!

Yeah I would think so even though it doesn't prove I own the car. E.g. if a 17 year old kid just passed their test and mummy/daddy bought them a car, then they're technically the 'owners'.
I said to the guy that I must be on their list but he was tight-lipped. Now if the application fails then I don't have much time to rectify it. When you move into a new house you have to register for that kind of thing, and we've had the polling cards for years. I will be very surprised f they can't find my name on there.
As you have a new address, I doubt your old Polling Cars will do. Must have your new address and be dated within the last three months - hard to find if you've just moved in. Letters from your solicitors? Passport?

If you run out of time, knock on a new neighbour's door and beg or buy Visitor's Permits.
Reminds me of sunday past at my nan's house - always Victory Vs and Fishermans Friends to choose from.
Then there was Dinner - a tin of Beans and Sausages with a healthy serving of SMASH!
(and sometimes and couple of slices of PEK!)
Yum Yum...
Living in Huddersfield I quite often get ribbed about the SMASH advert on TV when the 'Martians' make reference to earthlings coming from a place called Huddersfield.
As for Victory V's I think I must have been addicted to them when I was at school, I could crunch my way through a whole packet in about 3 minutes flat and then go looking for more.
Funny thing is real ale has the same effect on me now some 45 years later.
I moved here in 2002 lol. I was trying to say to the guy if I've been receiving them for years what's the issue. They said on the form they'll check their records if I tick the box and no documents need to be sent.
I never saw a canvass form or whatever it was, to re-confirm details, my sister is looking into it though, cos she said she saw it. We have the confirmation form of the electoral entry thing though so they can't say we were never on it.
In France, a lump of alum is apparently called une Pierre d'Alun. Does that mean we should be calling ours a Peter of Alum? Can't see that catching on..

I owe RobUK and Eduardo an apology after they gave me some good info about Japanese software, but I didn't reply before the thread was lost in the step forward back into time for the better. But I did read it all, thanks gents. In following up on the leads, I found an interesting fact: Japanese women shave their faces. No, really. Is this why the AS-Dx is so mild?

This thread reminded me of Julian Clary remarking how he liked to suck on a Fisherman's Friend...

/random shaving chat