The Ten Commandments - by Sharpologist

The omission of alcohol in AS's is further evidence of the wussification of the Western World.
I've been using alcohol-based aftershaves for the +50 years of my shaving life. So far, no ill effects; 'the fullness of time' has yet to arrive it seems for me. Also, scratch the number of blades drivel. Again, I've been using multi-blade cartridges (currently Mach 3 and a Sensor) for yonks with no irritation or any other nasties attributable to cartridges. So much for the geniuses at Sharpologist!
If it's the Novaya Zarya stuff I use you're in for a treat! I've got the Chypre and Russian Forest...both lovely!

Thats the stuff, got a few different ones coming... Arbat, Royal Chypr and Red Moscow (yeah I know the last one is feminine but I couldn't resist at the price and the bottle was so pretty )