The Piccadilly Shaving Co. Unscented Luxury Shaving Cream

Another one done:

This is a newly formulated cream that adds Shea butter, Aloe Vera and Vitamin E to the list of ingredients. I found it very easy to generate a lather from very little product and it gave me great slickness and protection.

Post shave feel was the only area it let me down a bit, as I was left a little dry compared to the moisturised softness of the top tier products. That said, there wasn't much in it. It seemed to require pairing with a capable blade to get the best out of it (which can be said of most products).

Some people love the scent of their shaving products, some have skin that can't tolerate any fragrant oils. Having another unscented option adds to a limited range if you're the latter. I tend to find the fragrance of all but a few products disappears the minute you start lathering, so didn't miss it.

Overall, I was very impressed with the performance. It's not bad value either, as you get a lot of product for the price (normally £13.95). Definitely one to look at if you prefer unscented products, but equally one to consider for any shaver.

Full review here