The perfect Shaving Bowl

I've got an Edwin Jagger bowl which is just about the most elegant thing in the house... it's thin porcelain and sits floating in the hot water quite happily, but my God, I worry about it. If it gets dropped (and with wet hands, let's face it, it may at some point) then it'll be gone.

I love the idea of the terracotta tapas bowls from the supermarket! I have loads of those as well, maybe I should have saved my money.

I do half wonder whether the "warm lather" thing is overstated... by the time you get it on your face and applied evenly, and then get around to actually shaving that part, it's been there for 1-2 minutes and therefore it's cooled to your skin temp anyway.
I have a radiator next to me in the bathroom, and place my bowl on that. that lather gets really warm. very pleasant indeed. On the odd occasion that the rad has been off, and the lather cold it definitely takes something away from the experience.
If I remember correctly the smaller bowl was a tapas dish, but the larger one went in the oven with it's meatballs, so is most probably made of sterner stuff.

Saying that, I haven't noticed a real difference in heat retention, and I to don't put much credence in the whole warm lather thing, that's why I've been mostly cold water shaving recently.
Red terracotta? I've bought some meatballs in an ovenable t/c dish but all my tapas has come in an ovenable red terracotta... glazed on the inside. Kind of thought they all did. I really will have to try one of those as a shaving bowl... maybe put the nice dish away for handing down to offspring.

That's tip of the week right there by cubert.
Different soaps and creams seem to react to heat in different ways. For instance: Nanny's and Creighton's creams are happy to sit over a steaming jug of water indefinitely; Cella, Tabac and Palmolive (all tallow based, by the way) don't seem to like it unless they're used up fairly briskly; MWF - never tried it because that would be perverse. One thing I'm sure of: heat will never increase the usable life of any lather, but it does make shaving that bit more pleasurable.

Sounds like the same thing, they're both glazed. I decided to use them for the fit more than anything else, they go together so well and work very well when I'm hot water shaving. I'll get a photo when I'm home.

There's a stack of them somewhere in the house, I'll see if I can lay my hands on them.




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CMOT said:
Just wondering if it was possible to come up with a specification for the ideal shaving bowl ?

Presuming I can find a potter to make a custom item locally what would you folks suggest?


My son gave me a double chamber scuttle last year for my birthday that is the best i've ever used. The inner lather bowl is surrounded by
a hollow outer that you fill with hot water to keep the lather warm. Using hot tap water will warm the lather slightly but if you fill it from the
kettle you will have "HOT" lather for your whole shave. The scuttle can be purchased from WOODHEAD POTTERY on ebay for about £30 for the
medium size which is more than adequate. The large size seems a bit too big to me. By the photos that guys have put on your thread, it looks
like they have bought from woodhead as well.


I just got myself a schwarzweisskeramik scuttle from Germany and although not cheap it's the best I've used so far


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I found this rather nice bowl in my local Japanese shop. Retains heat well and it's slightly rough inside which helps build the lather. Cost me £8.50.



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CMOT said:
The thing I like most about this thread and I suppose TSR in general is that so many people have found different ways to get a great result.

Pretty much any hollowed-out object should do the job in theory. Me? It took me a long time to track it down so I use this:

I remember once here, a fellow member was talking/asking about a 'travel' bowl.

I used to use this one here (now I face lather so carry no bowl with me):

It is made in Germany, cannot tell you the exact dimensions but you can more or less judge from the Muehle travel soap next to it.
The bowl is a steel one, made in Germany, got it for Eur 8 in a large cosmetics store in Athens, Greece last year. They also had one more, similar type, though smaller.