The Onion On Cartridge Razors.

Thursday February 3, 2011
London U.K
Stumbled on this earlier and it made me smile. It's quite old (2004), so forgive if you've seen it already.
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I only saw it for the first time a few weeks ago but it cracks me up ever time I read it! :lol:

I wonder if someone at Gillette read it and said "F**k it let's make the Fusion with five blades!"

Where will it end? How many blades will they attempt to get in a razor? :roll:
I posted that a while back (august 2010) so you're forgiven on the repost

2 nice videos...



That's hilarious! I think these 'cartridge razor' companies are mad! Some people might say "Oh but it saves time having triple blade etc razors".

I'd rather take my time with a double edge razor. After all you're taking a blade to your face! That's one thing I wouldn't want to rush.
Cartridge razors wouldn't sell if they didn't work.

Most men have got better things to do with their time than spending half an hour scraping little bits of hair and dead skin off their face.

To them, shaving is just another step in their morning ablutions and they have no intention of turning it into an Olympic sport or a zen-like ritual.

I'm with them.

I'm new to double edge razor shaving. But with practice I'm sure I'll gain more confidence I've found that if I haven't got the time in the morning to shave I take my time shaving the night before. That way I never need to shave in the morning.

Check out this guy here. He's got a great video about getting a good shave with saving time when shaving the traditional way.
HA HA just found this!!
I wonder where to next??
6 blades doesn't seem practical but then I thought three wasn't either.
I was thinking carbon fibre or ceramic!! But if they made them last too long then there would be no re buyer market would there...
I know how about concentrating on the quality of the experience and making men feel good.
Mr Gillette "How about if we 're issue' some of our vintage razors using just one blade? Men would but loads to collect and we'd make a fortune"
could that happen...
Ya never know. He who dares wins. Mange tout, Rodney! hehe

Slick said:
Mr Gillette "How about if we 're issue' some of our vintage razors using just one blade? Men would but loads to collect and we'd make a fortune"
could that happen...

Doubt it - all the tooling from ye goode olde dayes will have been destroyed, they'd make the "reissue" in China with next to no QC and they'd probably put a twist in like a different style of blade required (slightly shorter than the standard I'd guess) to make blade choice impossible.
It takes me no longer to shave with a DE as it did when I used a cartridge.