The NEW Rockwell 6s razor

Having told Gareth of my problems with the Rockwell V1 I bought, he replied in short time giving me a voucher code for 100% discount on a Rockwell 6S. I now have one on pre-order. Mine was not a KickStarter Backer razor. Can't fault a man who makes good on his promises and even extends the reach.
I'm pleased to hear this. I had mine as an original Kickstarter backer, but unfortunately drew a short straw, and it is unusable in any form. I now have a gratis replacement on order.
I backed this because I thought it had merit, and was disappointed with the problems. However, the young creators seemed to be genuine chaps, and they've kept their word on rectifying things.
The hope now is that the new version will be what was originally anticipated,and it looks as if it will. I also hope they build a thriving business, based on quality products.
It seems from an email today that the replacement razors for the Kickstarter backers should be sent out to arrive in the UK sometime in January. Looking at the photographs, they certainly look a lot better than the Kickstarters.
I'm looking forward to mine and, provided it arrives smoothly and safely, I'll be more than happy to take my hat off to the creators for sticking with it and putting right the problems.
Seems like the saga of Rockwell 6s 2.0 continues...with another hick-up.

The new, improved MIM-based Rockwell 6s v2.0 was expected, by the company, to be ready and shipped by this xmas. Well, unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the case.
The pre-orders were 'batched' (2015) and then later for 2016. The people that had pre-ordered in the first batch - to be shipped in 2o15 received an email informing them that the razor being sent out is not perfect...and they are being welcomed to be beta testers...

That means kickstart backers can now add a second flawed razor to their collection. Unfortunately...neither of them a final product.
The final, razor...might come out in 2016.

Mind. Blown.

Stay tuned for the email that you are now beta testing the second, flawed version. It appears this batch also has issues - BUT, it appears that it might be that the flaws are only cosmetic this time and the razor is actually functioning as designed.
If so not sure why they are referring to it as "beta testing" but maybe not as bad as it could be
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I've had an email, but it doesn't seem to say that; at least as far as my Kickstarter replacement is concerned..
To quote (my underlining):-
"We had initially hoped to fill all pre-orders this month from this first production, but are holding firm on our dedication to providing our customers with only the best-quality razor possible. This means the pre-orders will be filled after the upcoming holidays. We'll be updating you on a ship date as soon as possible but hope you understand that our commitment to quality means the razors will ship when they are the best they can be and not a moment before. If you would like to make any changes to your order, or cancel your pre-order for a full refund at any time, please reach out to us and we'll quickly take care of your request.
You may have also recently seen early reviews of the first article razor. The feedback has been extremely positive both in terms of the shave and finish of the razor. We have taken this opportunity to expand the pool of reviewers by shipping several first production razors and accessories to more Rockwell 6S beta-testers. So you may see further reviews or photos of the new razor and accessories online. We're looking forward to testing our new shipping process and to receiving additional feedback on the razor and accessories before sending out our mass shipment of several thousand razors."

My reading is that some people have received the first run razors and are effectively beta-testers (this implies that they are this by agreement, tacit or otherwise) and the rest of us will receive the pukka finished article next month (perhaps?).
I've gone from excitement to curiosity to nonchalance with this razor. Probably more of a reflection of my waning RAD than the time delay in itself. I'm sure I will get it wet when it turns up but it's already got a space reserved at the back of the 'spares' cupboard unless it's an unlikely revelation
First impressions after receiving it today.
I started backwards that is using the most aggressive bottom plate R6 and doing only one pass since I shaved this morning. I inserted a new Rockwell Swedish blade and got an excellent very smooth shave considering the blade is really exposed but it won't hurt you. I will compare the aggressiveness to the R41 (2013) but much smoother. Tomorrow morning I will using the R5 plate, etc until I go through all the plates. A quick analysis I really like what Rockwell did to greatly improve their razor.
That's quite funny , I got a couple of those blade's as a freebie from Tryablade last week along with my order
Received my "replacement Rockwell 6s" this week.
They even threw in a free 5-pack of their Rockwell razor blades which was a nice touch.

The one I received was in the same packaging (tin box) as the old one came in but I understand that they are looking into other packaging options

"New" Rockwell on the left - "Old" on the right:

The knurling on the handle on the "New" is much less pronounced than on the older one:

The top cap is hugely improved:

The baseplates are completely re-designed so it will be very interesting to see how the shave itself compares

Overall it feels - and looks - like a completely different razor and in every way an improvement over the first version.
I'm really happy to see the changes and am looking forward to trying it out!