The new puppy

Nice looking pup there, we just got a springer a few months ago, absolute nuts! He came from my brothers bitch who is a gamekeeper and both the parents are working dogs. Fortunately it seems to be in his genes and is proving relatively easy to train at home. You have to tire him out first before training though or else he doesn't listen to a word you say. I was out working in the garden yesterday, all day. It is just short of an acre and young Beanie spent the whole day running in a circle around the house and garden, chasing pigeons, trying to sneak up on pheasants and bugging our cat. Six hours later and he was still going strong, crazy crazy dogs! We have only just been able to get his jags done as he had puppy strangles for a few months, horrible thing to see but after a long dose of steroids and antibiotics he is back to normal. The drugs would have stopped the innoculations working so we haven't been able to get him out to socialize with other dogs and people, not a good thing as he growls and barks at anything that moves when we are out, he's fine in our house or garden though. Think we might have to get him to some lessons and get it out of him before he gets any older or bigger.
Fantastic looking Boxer, such a loveable face!

We too had a recent addition, primarily for our daughters Christmas - a long haired American Akita - like you it is great seeing him grow, develop a personality etc

Enjoy him.....

Glad he is better now, I have heard about puppy strangles before but thankfully never experienced it.

I think you probably just need to get him socialised as soon as you can now, I'm sure he'll be fine.
Good luck with the Springer as they need channeling that's for sure, we had one when I was a youngster for about 3 months after it had torn up the place.
We welcomed our new puppy to the home on Sunday; Whiskers, a Miniature Schnauzer. Seems like she is going to be the perfect companion for our six year old daughter. They are already inseparable!

Pictures to follow later when I am on the laptop rather than iPad..
The one good thing about a dog and obedience:


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