The New GreenCult 2.0

Good morning gentlemen
Well, I received the razor a few days a go and have managed to get in a few shaves. I started with a Nacet that had 3 shaves on it already. Now the razor has been re-designed since I owned the 1.0. Different cap and handle besides the base plates. The original handle was longer and skinnier and not that great for me. This handle is just fine. The original weighed in at 122 gm, the 2.0 according to my kitchen scale is 125gm. The gap and exposure was .95 and .25 respectively. I ordered the III plate and it's .85 and .15 in comparison. The original had a fair amount of blade feel to me and was definitely aggressive. I liked it when I first got it and tended to be a bit cautious for the first few shaves. I got used to it and it was fine. However the balance and long handle didn't work for me and eventually I sold it.
Then I read about the 2.0 from a few members and how they really enjoyed the razor. I looked and liked the new design, shorter and thicker handle and decided to pull the trigger.
It arrived fairly quickly and I noticed their packaging actually went backwards a bit in that it used a plastic razor holder/insert in the box. The quality of the razor is top-notch and everything fit beautifully. I like the satin finish and doubt I'll do any polishing unless I'm completely bored one day. Blade clamping is excellent, no chatter etc.
Now onto the performance. As I said I used a Nacet with a few shaves on it to begin with. First pass WTG and I noticed there's still a good amount of blade feel...less than the 1.0 but still noticeable. Ok then, I proceeded and noticed the shave was, so far, very comfortable with some audio as well.
As I got into the ATG pass after re-lathering, I was impressed with the efficiency this razor was giving me. I think the GC has a better ATG pass than the OverLander...high praise indeed. Shaving around the chin was without any drama at all. And the resulting shave was truly BBS and lasted well past 12 hours as far as needing another shave was concerned. I'd shaved at 7 pm and at 7 am I did not need to shave for work. Very impressive.
I understand the price increase but the packaging could be a bit better for what you're spending and no plastic.
So if there's anyone still wondering whether or not to buy this razor...DO IT! An excellent razor all around. Cheers