The Month of Movember is upon us!

That's starting to get well-enough developed to work now mate... actually looks not half bad.

I think it's the growing stages that look daft, with facial hair in general. Once it's in, no problem.
Good effort chaps!

I ventured out the house yesterday and it was obvious from the amount of top-lip topiary on display that Movember is growing bigger each year.

Just hope "Fanuary" doesn't catch on!
Well it's the last evening me and "Mo" will be spending together, I have become rather attached to Mo has become attached to me and he's coming off first thing in the morning, were finished!!

Must say a big thanks for all the words of support and all the donators, but most of all WELL DONE to all my Mo Brothers! it has not been in vain

Wether I participate next year, mmmm we'll see.

Well done Jaycey, but I'm glad it's coming off. You're starting to look a bit too much like...


I've just shaved mine off, much to the relief of Mrs PC. I took a short vid of the deed which I'm going to stick on the TSR FB page all being well.

Like Jaycey I'm not sure I'm going to do this again next year. I think I'd rather donate to other intrepid gents rather than go through it all myself.
Nice one all! Good effort all round

My personal fund raising so far is: £60 (not too late for folks on here to donate! ) and our team total is over £300 - so, not a bad effort

Here's my final photo:

And here's me with (most of) the rest of the guys in my team:

I've stuck a vid on the TSR Facebook page. I am so relieved to be rid of that hairy slug. I asked Mrs PC if I now look younger. She replied not exactly, perhaps more immature. :s