The Month of Movember is upon us!

Well done Atari, keep going.

I just had the bizarre experience of browsing a handlebar moustache forum (The Handlebar Club) looking for information on the pencil. Full of eccentrics obsessing on the ways of a by-gone era. What's that all about then?! :huh: Anyway they were extremely disparaging about pencil moustaches being particularly fixed on the idea that the HB (ooh get me with my moustache abbreviations!) being the only decent 'tache. I did however manage to glean some useful info. The pencil is basically just carefully trimmed stubble whereas the Dali, which I thought was just a longer version, is one where you grow the hair long and wax it outwards. I reckon the pencil is within my grasp!!
I gotta go to my best friends 40th bash this Saturday, there will be alot of old friends and his family I have not seen for years. I am going to be in for a SERIOUS ribbing!!

Yes Movember is JUST for Movember!!

P.S. It is becoming iritating too!

LOL - I am set for a family gathering this weekend too... My brother-in-law will rip in to me, but secretly he's just jealous because he can go all week without shaving and no-one would notice.
Well, interesting progress!
PC, apart from the lopsided problem, I think a moustache might actually suit you, I think it balances your a mad, but handsome, Mafia sort of way.
Size really doesn't's the thought that counts. And the dosh raised.
Family gatherings are the ideal opportunity to beg for cash from anyone who is foolish enough to ask about the growth on your upper lip.
All these moustaches are making me feel strangely nostalgic......for a time I never lived in. Amnesia clearly belongs in a Dickens novel.:icon_smile:
soapalchemist said:
Well, interesting progress!
PC, apart from the lopsided problem, I think a moustache might actually suit you, I think it balances your a mad, but handsome, Mafia sort of way.

Thanks Sharon, but tell that to Mrs PC. There shall be no how's-your-father until December now. :icon_cry2: She preferred me with the beard. Perhaps someone will come up with Bearch. :s

I am working on the lop-sided aspect, aiming for something close to Amnesia's wonderful effort.
I've known you for just long enough to find that look deeply disturbing .

A bushy, luxuriant moustache of the sort I'm sure you will achieve is a glorious thing, but in the fledgling stages they can have an "in solitary confinement for his own protection" look about them...



Yes, I can understand entirely. Similarly, if you shaved off your goatee, it would just be totally weird!

Re: RE: The Month of Movember is upon us!

IanM said:
Yes, I can understand entirely. Similarly, if you shaved off your goatee, it would just be totally weird!

I liked my chin enough to grow another, but I don't like the pair enough to show them to the world . Haven't seen my chin since '94...