The Month of Movember is upon us!

Anyone else going to donate their top lip in aid of charity during Movember?

Dont know what I am talking about? Have a look here

Lets get some photos up and see who can get the most impressive "Tache" in 30 days. All for a very worthy cause.

My page is here
Drop me a pound or 2 and I will return the favour

Well I've just had the go-ahead from Mrs PC to grow a pencil moustache for Movember. I'm currently researching tips on how to create such a beauty. Anybody got any suggestions? Does this mean I need to ask for donations to the Movember cause?
See, the guys at work were on about Movember. I asked if they were going to go collecting donations from people and they replied saying that they were just going to donate a tenner themselves. I replied saying that I'd happily donate twenty quid to the charity and forgo growing a moustache and looking ridiculous in the process as I can't see the point in doing it unless actively trying to raise funds.

And believe me, I'm not one afraid of looking ridiculous for charity as this link shows
Jeltz said:
You could go for a toothbrush moustache like Oliver Hardy and Charlie Chaplin.

Er...isn't there somebody else from history who had a moustache like that? I'm too thin for Hardy, too funny for Chaplin (and that's not saying much) and just can't quite grasp the ideology of the other fellow.

No, I shall be Gomez Addams but without the Tango.

Hax said:
And believe me, I'm not one afraid of looking ridiculous for charity as this link shows

You look great in the 'after' pics. Well done for a great fundraising effort.

OK can somebody just point me in the right direction to getting started please? Do I grow a generally hairy moustache thing then trim it down to size? Or do I plan the 'pencil' from scratch and hone it lovingly from the first tentative hairy sprouts. Er...sorry if 'hairy sprouts' has conveyed a rather unsavoury image in anybody's minds there. But actually, isn't Movember all about keeping one's hairy sprouts happy and healthy?? :s:huh::angel:
Cheers PC - that was the second time I'd done that - the first time, the hair was shaved off in the middle of the office and was done to counter my workmates "daring" me about getting it shaved off.

First time I raised about £300. The second time, it was over £750 - well pleased with that

Maybe I will give Movember a go - see if I can start growing a nice "gringo" moustache... Although, I have no idea if I can even grow one as I've always been clean shaven apart from the odd couple of of days of stubble after a lazy weekend - at which point, I don't seem to perceive any more growth!

Could be good for a laugh
This sort of caper is no good for those of us already sporting a hirsute appendage of the upper lip, with graspable extremities.
I believe the idea is that you shave it off tomorrow morning, Vinny, and regrow it through the month.

I've been asked if I'm going to shave and regrow any of my goatee this month. The answer is the same as it has been when anyone's asked me about doing what Hax did (I've had my hair long for 25 years...) - not even for a lot more money, going to me.
Sorry, mine has been covered continuously since 1970. I believe I may have a few hairs there that might be original to that year too!
I am opting for a pencil tash as well this year.

Not quite too sure how to go about it without looking like a moron in the early stages. Thinking I will go via stubble, then goatee, then full blown David Niven.

What tools are you planning to use pc? It's going to be a touch hard to maintain with standard DE's. I was thinking an everready SE or similar might be accurate enough. Maybe a straight is the best option.

Oh, are you opting to join up under the nose or maintain a hairless patch there?

Ah decisions, decisions.
Nice one chaps - consider yourselves supported.

Will be checking on your progress as the month rolls on.

Someone at work thought it was Mauve-ember and was all set to dye his tache. Wassock.
Well ebil, I am growing my whole face for the moment. Hopefully I will cope with the itchiness I get after a couple of days without a shave. I suppose if it was that easy nobody would bother donating. Once I've got a fair amount of growth I'll shave all but the upper lip then see what's what. Mrs PC wants me to go for the pencil moustache, so that involved shaving above and below the 'tache. I am hoping that my trusty straights will do the job. I might have to use shaving oil rather than soap lather so that I can see what I'm doing. One thing I'm not sure about is how long the hair in a pencil moustache is actually grown. Hmmmm...we'll see. I shall post update pics on the website.

Anybody else up for this madness? You've got another day to think about it.
I think Big N Bushy is the way for me, 70's style

Good luck everyone taking part, lets have some regular updates

P.S. Many thanks for the donation Joe.