The future of the UK.

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Meh, we've given other Third World nations their freedom back so I reckon it's time to let the Porridge Wogs stand on their own two feet.

I mean, what's the worst that could happen?
joe mcclaine said:
Meh, we've given other Third World nations their freedom back so I reckon it's time to let the Porridge Wogs stand on their own two feet.

I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

Is this from Bernard Manning's famous book "Quotes for the Insecure Closet Racist" ?
joe mcclaine said:
Meh, we've given other Third World nations their freedom back so I reckon it's time to let the Porridge Wogs stand on their own two feet.

I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

We might not permit you to join us Dumbartonian Sons of the Rock in swimming the length of Loch Lomond on New Years Day ?
Now you know you'd miss that ...

JohnnyO. :icon_razz:/

'Scottish' isn't a race, it's a Nationality.

In fact, race is a very obscure, possibly made-up concept.
Yes but racist rolls off the tongue so much more easily than ethnicist, and everyone knows what's meant by racist, therefore it's correct as that's how language evolves, through common use.
I would love to debate this further with you, but you're very new here and it's well past my xhamster time.


lol sorry no offense, I thought my comment was obviously light hearted as the concept of someone being a load of bollocks is tenuous at best, and it was to vinny who had the feelings and best interests of everyone in mind. the no it's not part stands though

I tried to respond to some of your comments underneath each one but it didn't work so here goes again.

Regarding currency union, how does tying your economic policy to another country's fiscal policy achieve independence? If you don't think this is important, read up on Harold Wilson's pledge that devaluation will not affect the pound in your pocket.

Regarding Estonia - in 1991 the world was a different place, American stupidity had not rocked the world's banking system. If you think the same rules apply today, think again.

Regarding time to plan - it will take 18 months to discuss pension issues let alone create a new country and currency.

Don't get me wrong, I have no axe to grind here, but if you think that a nation of 5m can do better on it's own that as part of a nation of nearly 70m, I think you are mistaken.
As a Scot who can only watch from the sidelines - I agree with Rob. I love my country and I am proud to be Scottish but We have a Union because we are indeed better together. Enough idealistic fantasy, we are a Union and I hope we stay that way. I'm not posting this to start or encourage debate.
The whole - a country who cant choose a leader is rubbish - The United Kingdom IS a country, I don't see yorkshire crying about not being able to influence the choice of leader. It's roughly the same number of people - you get your vote within your country. just because the Scots (yes I am one who lives in England) feel that their part of the uk isn't getting enough voice - isn't a reason to destroy everything that has been fought for and defended for centuries. The Scots already have much more say in their governance than say yorkshire (or any other region of equivalent population) why destroy that on account of some historical notion of oppression.
If the 19th is a day where Scotland goes its own way - I for one will be a very sad individual.
As an Englishman who has spent a long time living up here bringing up a family and forging a career in financial services the thought of a yes vote scares the shit out of me.

I am keeping every bit of my body crossed for a no vote.

If they don't have a currency union they don't have to hold any reserves to use the pound as it's a tradable currency unless you mean like the current situation we are all ready in where Scottish banks have 29 billion lodged with Bank of England to allow them to print currency.

So 50 to 100 billion so that's about Scotland's share of the bank of England's reserves anyway so really a easy amount to raise for our own currency
hunnymonster said:
Simmer down please gents or this thread will go the way of the previous one.

Watching the thread with interest. Whatever gets said - let it run. This is one of the most important issues we will ever discuss. Hope to add another post but struggling a bit at present.
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