The Funniest Ever Forum Thread

Must be 15 years at least since I was at the "business end" of a scope, though I had my own experience 6 years ago.... Wind? Wind? My gods its a wonder i didnt fly out of the department and all the way home....
Re: RE: The Funniest Ever Forum Thread

That bloke is a genius, his writing is excellent, I am always in awe of people who can write well.

I've been lucky, never needed similar treatment. I have spent many months in hospital with other problems, just wish I could put it in words the trials and tribulations I have been through in such a manner.
Lose the beard, some people are talented with words. I find it a shame that no matter how long I spend thinking about what to write, even if I think it's funny or witty, it just never is. The author of that thread should write books. There's room for good comedy on kindle and the likes, apparently its dead easy to get a book published for the kindle.