The European Union: in or out?

EU: in, out or undecided

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Fido said:
The poll shows us to be about equally divided. I wonder how many of us will be voting tomorrow. Since the EU will be with us for the foreseeable future, are our UK interests best served by voting for a party that wants us in or out?

I wonder how many of us who do vote will have changed our minds over the past few years. My own opinion hasn't altered since I voted against the "Common Market" back in the 1970s. I believed that Heath & the political class were lying to us then about their aspirations and I believe the same today.

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
Do you think the Cosmopolitan Political elite who got us into the "Common Market" and has kept us in the "European Union" are going to let us have another vote? Dream on is what I say, They can not have the plebs upsetting their apple cart. Another point is the "Great British Public" are easily hoodwinked like in 1974 were the likes of Harold Wilson & Ted Heath insisted that it would cost too much money & jobs to pull out of the Common Market sound familiar? I SAY OUT!
I always thought that it was amazing that you could trust all your fellow EU countries. Here we can even trust our fellow states(;-(
Johnus said:
I away thought that it was amazing that you could trust all your fellow EU countries. Here we can even trust our fellow states(;-(

We don't trust them, but we end up helping them out when things go pointy bit up'ards due to their own fuckwittery.

A bit like offering (or being told) to fix everyone's roof on your street when your own is in a shite state.

It's OK to lend them your tools from time to time, but only when you've sorted your own odd jobs out first.
Just been to vote and I must admit I was a bit surprised by the number of "No to the EU" parties - you'd have thought one would have been enough.
Also two fascist parties what a nice mix...
Count of Undolpho said:
Also two fascist parties what a nice mix...


Was there free beer in the polling booth or are you on drugs?

I just drew a massive comedy cock on my sheet. Oh, I really hope spoiling my vote doesn't make it easier for those rascally 'fascists' to get in.

Hey ho, it's all a load of old bollocks anyway.
Put my X in the right box two fingers up to Europe, a common free market yes even better a global free market, but another tier of hair brained socialist wankers in Brussels making laws for the UK FUCK RIGHT OFF!
pugh-the-special-one said:
Put my X in the right box two fingers up to Europe, a common free market yes even better a global free market, but another tier of hair brained socialist wankers in Brussels making laws for the UK FUCK RIGHT OFF!

'ere'ere now let's get on the beer!
Wow this post hasn't been locked down I is impressed gentlemen.
I vote out.
All this voting I've done in TSR and I've only just noticed the 'show results'
With all the names in green :s pay and pay and pay.
Why on earth would it be locked? Nothing wrong with a bit of intelligent and reasoned debate.

And yes Vinnie spoiling your vote really does "make it easier for those rascally 'fascists' to get in".

Or the rascally 'socialists' or 'whomsoever else you disagree with'ists.

Count Whatsisname.