The European Union: in or out?

EU: in, out or undecided

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The European Union: in or out?

OK, the Tories will give us a referendum, UKIP are agin, Greens for, LibDems for and Labour for-ish.

What say you: the EU - in, out or don't know?
Much as I hate (strong word, intended) the European influence on our legislation leaving now woudl see us bankrupt in under 5 years.

I'm not ready to right off my retirement plans and commit to working until I die in order for us pay off our debts.

There are a couple of million people in this country employed in industries dependant on the 'common market', our car industry (well, what the Japanese have given us) for example. If we opt out we lose the tax break that makes these indutries viable, that means we lose around 25% of the jobs in this country, with that loss of tax payers we are bankrupt, end of argument

I don't expect many to accept my views, fair enough, insist we get out, but when you can't turn on the heat because gas is too expensive please remember "I told you so".

BYW, I really dislike the EU, but it's way too late for us to go back to the Commonwealth, we shat on them back in the 70s
TRXnMe said:
There are a couple of million people in this country employed in industries dependant on the 'common market'

The EU isn't the same as the common market; Norway (for example) is in EFTA (European Free Trade Area) but not the EU.

Re: RE: The European Union: in or out?

Rev-O said:
The EU isn't the same as the common market; Norway (for example) is in EFTA (European Free Trade Area) but not the EU.


They pay the EU for access to the single market (handsomely) and also agree to be bound by most of the regulation... Just without representation within the organisation.

"No taxation without representation"

"Rally Mohawks! Bring out your axes, tell King George we'll pay no taxes"

Revolutions have happened over less.

True. Mind you, we pay a fair bit as well - hard to know whether we're up or down on the deal, lots of incidentals and interplay. Impossible to neatly untangle and do the maths.

And while we generally do abide by the rules, I'm not sure all the other EU countries do to the same extent that the British do.

As for "representation within the organisation" - hmm. It's not exactly a transparent and accountable organisation.

I'm not sure.
Re: RE: The European Union: in or out?

Rev-O said:
And while we generally do abide by the rules, I'm not sure all the other EU countries do to the same extent that the British do.

Therein lies the problem. We both legislate (typically in the tightest form of words possible) and enforce here - I did read that this was a product of the difference in philosophy between common law and Roman law codes. That said I'm 99% certain that some of our neighbours legislate but 'forget' to enforce (until someone notices)...

Still rather be in the tent p###ing out than outside trying to p### in against a tightly closed flap (trade tariffs).
If there is a referendum I am concerned that people will vote without actually researching what the benefits and the drawbacks if membership are.
And if we do leave what will Mrs Farage do with her time.
Having a free and open market is a very good thing, but I didn't remember them telling me that a unelected group of people in Brussels will make decisions and create laws and dictate what we can or cannot do in the UK I'm 100% sure if the UK public were told that from day one no one in their right mind would have agreed.

I'm with you on this one. Too many rules and regulations seem to be thrust on us.
I voted for don't know, I agree that being part of the free market is a good thing but is it worth the legislation that is being forced upon us that impacts our sovereignty and overrules our elected government.