The Darwin Razor

I have had the opportunity to borrow one for testing for a week.

Here is my review. Now is it worth $1200 U.S.D. for to me to procure? No. However, it has been the best razor that I have used to date and I have had an opportunity to use a wide variety of DE razors.
Tall_Paul said:
They do shave very nicely but they aren't a 'holy grail' shave or anything like that.

They're just so purdy!!

And there we have it, straight from an 'extremely enthusiastic' collector's own mouth. The razors are shiny sparkly magical things that can also be used to shave with if you like. That's what Paul really means....


Hey, why do I not remember you having a Darwin?

Oh for God's sake,

Seriously? The best razor you have ever tried? Jeeez. that's an impressive endorsement. Almost makes me wanna try one.....sheesh.

I will read your review when I have the nerve.


Martin, you have to remember that I am a penurious pensioner. I can't afford to clutter up my home with non-functioning, pretty things because it is already full of functioning pretty things!

I like to be armed with knowledge against the day I stumble across an old crone, dressed in rags probably, squatting on a street corner, selling her dead husband's effects in order to keep body and soul together. When she holds out her hand and offers me a Darwin, pristine condition, maybe an adjustable and asks me to buy it for seven quid, I want to know that she's not trying to diddle me - that I can actually get a shave from the pretty bauble, that it does what it says on the tin!

I don't want an investment sitting on a shelf collecting dust - I have Gillette's fulfilling that latter purpose - I want a shaving razor! Which I didn't think was going to be a Darwin and so I could turn off my Darwin RAD - but GDC has well and truly kiboshed that idea!

So now I'm back to choosing between owning a Darwin and being able to eat and stay warm next winter. Maybe I need to avoid old crones on street corners?

That's a very thorough, interesting review. I'd always thought they were so-so shavers, but very rare and nice looking.

It's good to know they perform as well as they look.

Gents that was my situation. When I tested it I realized that all that cost yielded the last 5% of shaving efficiency and it simply would not be worth an investment of now epic proportions. Now if somehow I found one in an antique store for 100 USD, the next words from my mouth would be "Sold to the American!"

Now back to the original issue. I think if a reputable maker would become interested in making a head using the same geometry setup as the Darwin in stainless then that would make a very good alternative. Now I am still trying to convince Stan to make a Gillette OC replica in stainless, and hopefully at a "reasonable" price. Not as good as the Darwin replica idea, but still a good idea.
Bechet45 said:
Martin, you have to remember that I am a penurious pensioner. I can't afford to clutter up my home with non-functioning, pretty things

So now I'm back to choosing between owning a Darwin and being able to eat and stay warm next winter.

Heh, you have quite a sense of humor when it comes to you being a cheap and nearly penniless old bastard. To most people who don't know you well, what you type makes it seem that way, but it ain't quite like it?

I always smile when thinking about how many of Greg's creations you have. I think the last count was 9. Yes, I believe there were nine various types of Icon razors in that picture you showed us.

Let's see........what was the number of brushes poor old Carl has. Was it 37? Not including the recent DaVinci brush. I remember being surprised at the amount you typed in a recent post.....39 sounds about right.

You are a funny geezer,
