I saw those but didn't know if they'd be harsher on the skin than Thayers - I've no scientific basis for that concern. I believe the Thayers Rose will also smell a little less minging.

Do you add glycerine as well? How many drops of essential oils do you add to the Witch Hazel as well?

The rancid witch hazel pretty much poisoned my nose towards it's natural smell, I need to find a way to make my bottle of the above (the one from Wilko, greatest shop ever!) smell a bit more appealing.
I saw those but didn't know if they'd be harsher on the skin than Thayers - I've no scientific basis for that concern. I believe the Thayers Rose will also smell a little less minging.
Tbh I came across it on YouTube and a lot of american youtubers seems to use it for acne and it's supposed to work very well apparently, I've got acne so I'm planning on using it for that too tbh

I will buy thayers next time as I want to try it out and I've also noticed most wet shavers use that too
How many drops of essential oils....Normally to a 200ml bottle of the witch hazel i add 5-10 drops of 3 essential oils..Total = 28-30 drops per 200ml bottle...if that makes sense...Do i add glycerine to the mix ?..I haven't yet tried that, but i will i have a bottle of boots glycerine, my next mix i'll add some..How many drops of glycerine do i add to a 200ml bottle?

I've not mixed them yet myself, but I remember @SpeedyPC's creation is this

"T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Invite E High Potency Pure Oil (10 drops), Natural Plant Glycerin (20) & Tea Tree Oil Antiseptic (5)"

Looks a pretty good mix.
Thanks for the info..I'll give that a try.
Trust me your handsome sexiest face will love you, if, you don’t try my aftershave recipe and it’s great throughout the WHOLE season, all in one magnificent bottle.

For a 200ml bottle start at 12 or 15 drops of natural plant glycemic, otherwise, not enough just don’t go over 20 drops max.

Just make sure you get natural plant glycemic, and NOT animal base glycemic which isn’t good for your skin. Your skin needs FOOD, that’s why natural plant glycemic is perfect for your skin.
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