Thater brushes - any retailers in EU?

Hitchin, Herts
I really like that kind of hexagonal / bevelled handle that you see on some of the Thater brushes. I'm finding it hard to track one down however.
Does anyone know if they can be bought in the UK, or failing that the EU?
I had a look a while ago and couldn't find any uk vendors. I did find a site in germany (not Thaters site which is but struggled to place an order and gave up and I can't even find it now.

I'd also be interested if anyone has had better luck.
Problem with is they know ZERO about brushes to be honest, their main focus is on frags, not brushes.

I tried to order my first Thater from them, but they did not even know the difference between a 2-Band and a 3-Band.

Then I found Stefan at
He knows his stuff. Unfortunately I only chose to buy the 49125/2 in 2-Band Bulb from him, because his prices are steep. I could not find the 49125 in 2-Band on so bought it from

But my next 5 Thäters I bought from because once I got my small discount (5%) the shipping was free, when you make a big order and even with vat/tax the price I have to pay will be £60 less than if I bought it at

But if you need the great plexiglas model in 2-Band (49125) you need to contact Stefan at Otherwise use straightrazordesign in the US, They do have the plexiglas 49125 in 3-Band, but not in 2-Band.
Thanks Claus... I'll weigh up what the tax will cost me and I'll have a chat with the US site. There's a good level of choice there and the prices are pretty good.
I been using one of my smaller Thater's this week. It's a 3 band one. I must say, it's one of the finest brushes out there.

Your making a good choice!
Well just to update this, I set my heart on a model 4125 3 band silvertip with 26mm diameter.

Sadly I'm still Thater-less at the moment as Straight Razor Designs were all out of stock of the model (and all of the alternates) that I want... shame as the prices are good (about £90 for the 4125). The prices however are not so good that I'd compromise on model by a massive amount.

I've emailed Stefan at NassRasur and enquired about the next run. Hopefully I'll get the news I want soon, bit dearer at 133 Euro but hopefully a quick postal route from Hamburg and no Customs fees to pay.

Bit of a faff, but hopefully it'll be worth it.

Thank you all for your help so far.
I was just checking the prices for the Thater 2-band brushes. Well, the same brush costs $155 in the US shipped to a US address and €170 ($230, 50% more!!!) for a European that can only buy through the retailer mentioned above. Since this is a European product, I have 3 options

1) it is a joke
2) Thater doesn't care about European customers or believes they are stupid
3) The exclusive Europen online retailer is exploiting this situation to charge silly prices

Given that 2 or 3 are the most likely options, I will wait my next trip overseas and have one shipped to my hotel.
Yes it's been a very expensive and at times frustrating exercise, but I finally received my 4125 last week. As well as the £120 or so for the brush it's another ten pounds for delivery and then my bank also charged me 10 pounds more to do a transfer as NR only accept that one payment modality.

The brush looks amazing, it's a stunner and really well made, however the long wait, the cost and the awkward purchase arrangement will mean this is a one off.

At least I finally own a Thater, so it's been worth it all things considered.
I'm sure you will enjoy it Canuck and forget about the hassle.

These are real premium products in my view; I have two 4125 in sizes 1 and 3 and they are both superb, great hair and also perfectly built, just a shame that they are so difficult to find and expensive in Europe. Brushes were cheaper on differentscent until a few weeks ago, but just noticed that they raised prices by 20% since I bought my 4125/0 in December, which means that I won't buy my 3rd in Europe (would like to try the 4125/1 3-band...)
Dipesh said:
I been using one of my smaller Thater's this week. It's a 3 band one. I must say, it's one of the finest brushes out there.

Your making a good choice!

What's your view on the Thater 3-band hair? I have read mixed opinions on it, but still keen to try...