Thanks: Sharon, Martin, Fido, Vinny, Steve et al

Thanks To Sunburyboy, Soapalchemist, Fido, joemcclaine, matt31, Sonny, audiolab and doubtless many others.


For supplying the tools of a perfect shave.

RAD etc notwithstanding I do believe I've found the perfect set-up for my face/beard/routine.

For the past week or two I've been using

Sharon's creams (plus a few others, including Henk's)
Two (very different) Stickys from Martin (Audiolab, a connoisseur collector) and Steve (Sunbury "Nick The Greek King Of The Carboot")
Fido brilliant brushes (on rotation so one can dry out while the other's in use)
Feathers (thanks Vinny & Matt)
Nivea asb (from Bean) or Gentleman's Tonic a/s cream (thanks Sonny)
Geo F Trumper's Sandalwood cologne

What's amazing is how many of these are in-house products (Fido's brushes & soaps/creams from Sharon & Henk) and how ALL of them (except the cologne) have been sourced from TSR members.

So: thanks all.

I've been thinking that I spend too much time on line in general and too much time here in particular, so I may be around a bit less but I did just want to thank you all (especially but not only those mentioned above).

I'm getting bloodless, rashless bbs shaves every time and two people have recently put my age at 34 (I'm 39 next month) - I'm not particularly vain but that was nice. Better still is stroking my smooth chops with a smug satisfaction at a job well done by good technique and the best tools.


Your welcome Ollie, i am glad i can help out any of the chaps on here with goodies

no need to spend less time on here matey ? (visions of us all doing a group hug !!) :lol:
the amount of time you spend on here is quite normal and justified so there

What about me you @#$%*£!! :lol:

If you find yourself spending more time on line here or elsewhere as a substitute for real things like getting laid, playing with the kids or going for a pint, it just ain't healthy. So free yourself and go with our blessing.

Totally agree with Tony

(but do pop in from time to time Ollie)
Flipping heck lads I only said I might be a round a bit less (like maybe cutting down my visits here to twice a day). Still, it's nice to be missed.

antdad said:
getting laid, playing with the kids or going for a pint

Ah, [Rev-O sings] "these are a few of my favourite things"! But I am thinking that I spend to much time in front of a screen and want to cut back on it a bit. Also, this seems like a good time to do so, as I still owe Martin for a Sticky and thought I'd just do a runner with it :lol:

One big THANK-YOU I forgot was to Boab for starting this place: what a top bloke, and what a great idea.

Oh F*^^K! He's back already :roll: