Tabac fragrance

Tabac smells

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Only politicians and trial barristers/ advocates won't ask a question unless they are
1) Sure of the answer.
2) It's the answer they want.

Honest guys like yourself just have a natural curiosity & a desire to know what others views are NTS. But then that's one of the gr8 things about TSR isn't it; we don't mind others thinking that the stink of dead things makes for a nice scented soap :blush:

JohnnyO. \:icon_razz:
Like the Smell and LOVE the performance, always whips up a nice thick protective layer
i bought a couple of sticks months ago, the smell was very strong but as Tony said, leave it a while and it mellows and kinda improves.

but either way, it performs very very well, used it last night with a a NF silvertip, a vintage wilky blade and a vintage wilky razor, very very very nice :icon_razz:
Hey NTS,

Heh, I guess I can start calling you Carl now, since you were recently outed.

So I tried voting again, and wasn't able to. I'm thinking you don't have the rules set on the Chicago mayoral guidelines option. The heck's the fun of voting only once?

Isn't it funny seeing all the wrong answers in this thread? Heh, pretty good description by Goldcrest.

NotTheStig said:
Yeah the wool blankets of piss sounds about right, in an old people's home where they smoke 80 a day.

Well, we seem to be in the minority....sheesh.. Most votes are positive so far, which is of course nuts.

No, I shouldn't say that. Obviously, this means dead thing and pissed on wool fragrances are popular! I believe we may be missing the boat here, buddy.

Who woulda thunk it.
Lather and Performance is without equal...BUT, the smell,oh dear,oh dear...Like pissed on wool blankets from an old folks home.

Well if that is a good description, the least i can do is add that option to the Poll :blush::blush:
i like the smell of tabac, in a quite perverse way tbh. i understand the negative comments about it but actually enjoy that aspect of it. i remember reading about tabac before and the phrase that rang true with me the most was along the lines of, 'it smells like the clothes rack in a charity shop'
Sunburyboy93 said:
Well if that is a good description, the least i can do is add that option to the Poll :blush::blush:

What' doin Steve,

Would you please let us vote 5 times each? It would make things a lot more fair. The more effort a voter contributes, the better the chance of rewards should be. It's only common sense.

Thank you in advance,

No, it doesn't smell musty but welcoming, it just smells of tobacco (unsurprisingly) and something acrid that makes me push it away. Since I bought it it has sat with lid off in open air and has been wet every morning. It has improved a lot but still there and I daren't lather it again. Performance is excellent though.

Steve, can you erase my vote (for dead things) so I can vote again on Mitchell's Wool Piss?
NotTheStig said:
it just smells of tobacco (unsurprisingly) and something acrid that makes me push it away. Since I bought it it has sat with lid off in open air and I daren't lather it again.

Don't know if you saw Tony's recent tip about soaking the puke (I meant puck) in tomato juice for about a week or so. Supposed to calm it down a bit.

Glad to help in some way
Tomato juice? See I would be cautious about taking your advice. There is a certain spirit in which some of your posts are intended, often too subtle for a man who's desperate to remove the nose peg when he uses it.