Symbol, squiggle or just plain Prince RIP

and your point is?
My point? I guess it was a reaction to the two threads about Prince's death; the title of this one 'OMG'; the references to the grim reaper - altogether coming across as being a bit over the top. Hence my attempt to put it into perspective.

But you're right to question my post - what you want to post about is nothing to do with me and I should have kept my thoughts to myself.

So it turns out he did too much Fentynal and that was that. Coincidentally I had been doing some reading about the drug recently and it's attraction. I believe Michael Jackson had died from this too, along with a LOT of junkies even now that use Fentynal laced smack. Supposed to be amazingly strong.

Real addictive stuff for people in serious pain relief frontier thing. Supposed to be a great high when abused and a real effective painkiller when used right. From what articles I saw about potential deadly Fentynal laced junk, some dopers are asking for it by name. They say the high is like the first time getting off. Doesn't matter that it has killed lots of people. Took a long time for the medical report to come back.

Easy to have things get away from someone who's not thinking clearly. Somehow I can't help thinking this particular event coulda been avoided.

Yep, too true Martin. A sad end for an absolute legend. I gather he was in quite a bit of pain due to dancing in those heels of his for many years and often had to use a stick. Trouble is with stars, they have too ready access to physicians who'll prescribe them anything for a quick buck and to please their celebrity clientele.