Swedish Super Steel

Just bought 100 from Unata to see what all the fuss is about but it all sounds very positive. Got to wait until they arrive now.........................................
Tried one of these for the first time. Done a wee swap with a forum member.
Very good. Smooth and sharp rather than sharp and smooth. If that makes sense!
Very reasonably priced too.
How long before they go out of production then? :icon_rolleyes:
The good ones usually do.

That is all.
alexface said:
unuta77 is a she, is she not?

See Post #80 here:


I would assume unuta77 is Andrey (M), ably assisted by Tatyana (F) - I've seen both of their names on the customs declaration.
Mine arrived from Unuta yesterday and tried it this morning in my Merkur 33C with MWF soap.
It gave a very close shave after 2 passes and after minimal cleaning up I had no nicks or cuts whatsoever and a very smooth face.
Like this blade a lot and I can see why everyone rates them so highly.
Glad I have another 100 on the way already.!!
Tried one of these for the first time in my default blade tester - a DE89 a couple of days ago. Now 2 shaves down.
Not the sharpest blade, but very smooth. Not sure I'd be able to tell the difference between these & Personna Platinum Chrome if blind testing.
At about £7 inc p&p for 100 I had to
One of the things I did notice which I thought odd is that the audible feedback seems a bit louder than many other blades & there's quite a pronounced chunky, crunchy feeling as the blade cuts through my beard, if that makes any sense!
I have been using these for the past couple of shaves and found them to be very smooth but only lasted for one three pass shave. I found the blade started to drag towards the end of the first pass of the second shave but my beard is quite thick and I had left three days between shaves. But hey, you can't complain at under 7p a blade! These have made it to second place in my favourite blades below Sputnik's.
I ordered from Unuta on 19/3 and according to the tracking they arrived in the UK on 25/3 so credit to the Russians. No credit to the uselessness that is the Royal Fail(sic) as i'm still awaiting delivery 6 days later.
Jel999 said:
I ordered from Unuta on 19/3 and according to the tracking they arrived in the UK on 25/3 so credit to the Russians. No credit to the uselessness that is the Royal Fail(sic) as i'm still awaiting delivery 6 days later.

I had a big delay with a couple of things from Russia and the tracking said exactly the same. I've a feeling there's the occasional hold up at customs from time to time with some shipments from Russia - maybe the odd plane load gets held up for extra scrutiny?
I think it just shows how incompetent Royal Mail are. We're led to believe the Russians are used to queuing for everything but in this case, it's us. Both the Russian post office & ours are showing the package still at Heathrow. Does it really have to take a week to be cleared by customs ? I find it quite funny, to be honest, the Russkies have played a blinder, supplying dirt cheap blades & postage and good old Britain sods things up.