Swedish Super Steel

I tried a SSS I bought from Unuta for the first time this weekend in my Progress. Supremely comfortable three pass BBS shave. Third shave with the blade this morning just as good as first shave. Although I bought 300 of these SSS blades, I'm tempted to buy more, even though at three shaves per blade and shaving every day, they will last me for two and a half years ...
The price is so good it's difficult to resist. My second order of 400 arrived today. I think I have enough blades for a few years, soaps I have enough of to last several l lifetimes, the order from prof blighty arrived today as well.

My only concern is after shave, I appear to have under ordered as I only have about 6 litres.

And this all started because I believed the propaganda that this DE lark would save money:-(
Swedish are one of my top blades. I have had two deliveries of 200 arrived this year. Coupled with what I already have. I worked it out with three shaves per blade I have enough to last me seventeen years!
I think these are certainly one of the top blades out there, they tick all the right boxes and price point (at the minute) you can't go wrong with them.
The Swedes are definitely in my top 5 blades. They are smoother than a, errr, smooth thing, easily good for 4nr shaves without material degradation and, at the prevailing prices on the bay of fleas - particularly unuta77 - are well worth stocking up on.

I've just ordered my second consignment since the start of the year...
Does anyone fancy a swap to try these. I have Gillette super thins and gillette silver Blues if you haven't tried these. They are the best in production in my humble, if they are in production! I have hundreds of them.

Not panicking at all,I've got enough already for a year or two,just mentioned it for others who may be wanting to try some
Panicked a little bit and just bought 100 Rubies (which I really liked when I tried a sample pack). Think I was going to buy them anyway, sooner or later. They're more expensive but I've already got plenty of the Swedish SS.
Oh well, that's another year's worth of blades keeping me away from blade apocalypse.

He was all out if Rubies when I last ordered! I'll maybe see if anyone wants to swap a few...