Supermarket own brands

Tim B said:
Both Boots and Wilkinsons sell Wilkinson Sword.

Years ago Body Shop used to sell their own twin blade cartridge razor.

This is interesting someone else has Wilkinsons selling Lasers. Another person has Boots selling Personnas. Are they branded as Wilkinson Sword?

I bought a pack of ten blades from Sainsburys this evening for £1.99. The package says made in Vietnam, the blades are unmarked but the wax wrapper around it says Dorco. I have a photo but can't attach it.


Wilkinson do wilkinson sword blades and lasers

Boots do wilkinson swords and Boots branded personnas

Hard to find good blades for sale in a bricks and mortar shop
Sorry if I'm resurrecting an old thread but I happened to meet a colleague in Tesco cafe for lunch so I (yeah its getting a bit obsessional) picked up a pack of blades,

"made in Israel" so I'm guessing Persona?

Also some Erasmic cream from a chemist across the road.

I noticed they had Nivea sensitive post shave on sale at £3 if anyone's interested.

Ive got a few bottles in storage because I can usually get it cheaper (approx £2), from the pale and sweating but enterprising gentlemen who occasionally pop into my local.
benthespaniel said:
Asda are Personnas although as I recall they weren't branded as thir own but had Personna wrapper on them.

That's right - the left of this image.

They're pretty good too, well... I like them! Not seen any other brands though.

I've tried Wilkoinson's Lazer blades too which are okay:
They are 40p for 5, but come in the white plastic case.
Re: RE: Supermarket own brands

neilwf said:
I've tried Saintsbury's own make (Dorco). They aren't nearly as good as the Supermax Platinums I'm currently using, and at £2.99 for ten quite expensive.

That is expensive as my Sainsbury's sells them for £1.90.
Canuck said:
29.9p per blade? Crikey, get on the bay and buy something in bulk, there's no need to be paying more than about 10-12 pence per blade for DE's.

I don't normally pay that at all, I normally buy in bulk. I just wanted to try them. I shaved once with one of them. If anyone else wants to find out how bad they were I'll post the other 9 on FOC.