Supermarket meat

cheese_dave said:
Haha yeah, that's the chapter. Wait until you get to the pork chapter too.

Certainly an eye opener,weird how i know a few people who dont eat red meat but eat chicken only,bit of a wrong way round type of thinking to me after reading that..Oh well got me beef in oven now smells and looking good just hope it tastes good :hungrig
This might be a bit late but I get my saltpetre from HERE for making bacon :hungrig
Right what a dissapoitment,it was utter shite.Cooked to perfection and looked the business..Some help here or ideas appreciated..Did as the book says half hour gas mark 8,followed by just over an hour gas mark 3..rested for a good half hour,calved ok but when on plate it seemed to have what i can only descibe as a thin very fatty membrane and was impossible to cut,the couple of bits that were edible were very nice but aint got a clue what i did wrong or if it was just shite..mind the dogs were happy.
Asked for a good roasting joint,cost 13 quid and it weighed just over 1kg was only for me and mrs so not that big...Just bought a scotch beef joint for this weekend 10 quid and slightly bigger looks very nice but not much marbling or fat but the lady in butchers gave me some fat for the top whilst cooking,also said if not happy to nip back in and i can have another free :shock:
That's cheap. Is this from the farm shop?

If there's just two of you and there's an M&S nearby you can pick up a couple of dry aged (possibly organic) sirloin or rib eye steaks for around or less than a tenner. They are not huge, cook quickly, melt in the mouth and definitely none for the dogs.

That isn't a good sign to me, see previous post.
I'd make sure you've read the HFW section on beef, too. He tells you what to look for in a good piece of beef - dark meat, almost sticky, something that leaves a thumb print, etc. He also tells you which joints are good for what. A "roasting joint" might cover a myriad of evils.

Generally I want to roast fast and serve pink, so I'm looking for tender cuts of meat; rib, loin, sirloin, fillet, perhaps rump. These are the parts of the animal that don't do a lot of work. You get into shin, neck, skirt, and you're looking at meat you want to slow cook with extra fat added in to the mix.

Of course, throw game (like venison) into the mix, and the rules change slightly because that is usually a very lean meat, but HFW's beef guide is spot on.