Super-Max stainless blades

I pushed the blade to shave no.4 last night
A very quick 2 pass shave using Arko soap (Thanks Richard ) before popping out for a quick pint
No drama no irritation, staring to pull a bit by the end but this is the first time I have used any DE blade for more than 3 shaves :shave
Have been using the last of these blades, I tried to get a 3rd shave from one today (Ikon OC, P160, Ikon Chubby custom Beejay Brush, Hydro ASB) and decided that 2 shaves is the max for these then in the piggy they go.......good value but the edge falls off very quickly. Piffed a few out wonder how they got on with them.........
FrenchBlade said:
I used these onces twice now, and I really like them. (I must have had them in my starter PIF from you guys)

Where can I get more of these?

They really do me well in the FT rocket!


This was the second type of blade I tried, and has remained my favourite (out of the 4 types of blade I have tried, including the Gillette 7 O'Clock).

They were very kindly PIFd too me when I first arrived at this board.

Does anyone know where I can buy the ones in the pictrue from, I can only find the blue/white ones?
